Ok, i can wait to shoot...

It happens to me all the time when I start ringing the steel. They come off their beds and out to the range to browse like it's a dinner bell.
I cut up one road kill deer in my life, never again. My friend and I were pulling out of the hunt club a few weeks after season was over doing some work out there. We hadn't gone 200 yards when the car just in front of us center punched a deer. We stopped to see if the driver was ok, they kind of half crashed into the ditch on side of road. Driver was fine, new mercedes was borderline insurance write off. We picked up the deer and went back to the club, hung it up, gutted/skinned it. Temps were in the 40's at the time, nice and cool. Nothing was salvageable on the side of deer that was struck, 100% bloodshot. Both backstraps completely bloodshot, offside shoulder was 90% ok, salvaged maybe 25% of offside rear ham and offside tenderloin was ok. Not worth the time and effort.
Yeah I remember doing it with my dad years ago and the deer being mostly a loss. Vehicles just do way too much damage to them. Vice versa also for sure.