N/A Ok, so who wants a pump action bullpup?

So I picked up a beeman 1358 underlever pup off the classifieds in pretty rough shape, solely to tinker on. Laying in bed dreaming of airguns and ignoring the miss' advances, I came up with this idea in my noggin.

I jumped out of bed around midnight and dug through a box of old gun parts, looking for my maverick 88 pump handle. It damn near slid onto the air tube of the beeman. I smiled with great relish.

Took some 80 grit sand paper on a dowel rod and stroked the inside of the handle harder than I've stroked anything in years. About a half hour of that got the handle to slide nicely on the tube.

So I made some marks where I needed to cut the stock and scope/trigger mount, and went to bed. Woke up this morning and got the saw zall and welder out. Badda Bing badda bang, I cobbled this together with some American ingenuity.

What ya guys think?
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That's amazing someone needs to make that an actual product
Right! I better copyright this thing!

Don't have to move a hand off the gun, and your eye stays right on target. Follow up shots should be pretty quick and easy. Now I gotta get it all back together and test accuracy. Soon as it showed up, I tore it apart and didn't check lol. Hopefully it doesn't "shotgun"... see what I did there?
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Keep ignoring the miss' advances and that won't be the only thing your stroking..
(You knew someone was gonna say it 🤣)

Cool mod.. as a hunter I love it. I would prefer that to anything else
Different strokes different folks!

So far it's pretty on point for accuracy too. Gotta be careful racking it quick, or you can scope yourself! I'll put a long eye relief scope on it if I continue to derp myself!
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So the problem with these QB chief 2 platform guns is hammer bounce. Its gotta be the worst I've encountered, I can't get a solid tune on it. Either long shot string with huge ES, or a 32 fpe cliff dive within 10 shots. Easy enough to put a different spring in, so that'll be cured soon. Other problem, specifically to this platform, is the barrel stops behind the fill valve, so I need some form of 1/2-20 extension nipple to get my tanto mounted. I have room for a shroud, just no parts for one currently that will fit and give me room for baffles. The stock shroud was useless anyhow, had zero seal on the back section, just butted against the scope riser.

I may try and make an offset shroud, like some of the ones I've seen for an edgun. Have it strip the air into the top vs all around. If I can get this sorted the way I want, I can definitely see the potential for it to be a production type setup. It's kind of ugly, but then again it was in stock form anyways!
TKO makes a .875 moderator that fits these Beeman guns perfectly

1357 tko22 moderator1.jpg
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This is very cool stuff Dr K

You always have some of the most interesting guns !
That's the beauty part about buying cheap guns. I can butcher them up and make these abominations and not feel bad if it comes out like crap! This one isn't going to win any beauty contests, but so far, it shoots straight and works flawlessly.
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