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Results OKCGC N50 Benchrest match. March 2nd Results.

Howdy Y'all
OKGC AirGunners, AKA "The AirHead Group" had our first N50 Benchrest match of the season, Saturday March 2nd. We had 15 shooters show up! 7 shot one gun and 8 shot two guns! Three folks came from out of town, Mike Schultz from Arkansas and Ben Womack and John Killen both from the great state of Texas. :sneaky: Oh yes Keith Flowers came up from Ada which is a drive in itself. We really enjoy and appreciate you four traveling that far. Our local guys are very welcoming to all who show up. We have a friendly bunch here. Bob, Michael, Tony, Stan, Richard, Thom, Kelly, Mike T., Larry, Woody and Barney. I wanted to thank you guys for supporting the N50! This discipline is going so well, we could never do this without our OKC Guys! Joe Underwood and John Sarsyki came out to help and did not even shoot, just worked!!! Also thanks to everyone for helping with the tear down after the match.
The wind was not all that friendly today as we had a 15-18mpn wind coming from the south. With gusts up to 25mph!!! I did not take any photos this time🥹. I was in the building scoring all day while Pearl was on the firing line calling the match.
We are looking forward to next month's match. Hope Y'all come back, ya hear!!
Here are the scores!!!
...The AirHead Group @ OKC ...
