Old man left behind

What the youngins of today don't realize, us old foogies didn't grow up with computers like they did. We had to learn as adults which is harder. Our brains aren't like the kids soaking up knowledge like a sponge. Ours or more like that sponge that's almost soaked and just can't pick up much more.
Mine is starting to get mold on it.
I turned off the text on my phone , just don't want it . phones are to talk with .
I'm the opposite, I like to text instead of talking. It gives the molasses in my brain time to warm up so I can give the right answer otherwise who knows what I'm liable to tell ya. 🤔🤔
I'm about to turn 68 so I lived a big part of my life without a home computer and without a cell phone. I almost missed the birth of my son because cell phones did not exist and I was on my way out of the office to go several hours in my company car in the wrong direction. Fortunately I got the call in time - the old way. Land line. I got an order one time by hooking a customer up to our email system. They did not have one and were looking to have middle of the night calls to Japan that the email mostly eliminated. So I kind of like technology but my cell phone is 4 years old and cost $100. It's frustratingly slow at times but it still works. I want something that works, not the latest and greatest.

My password "solution" is to do what you are not supposed to. I write them down and have them beside my recliner. Everybody and his brother want you to go on their website and there is no way to remember all the stupid passwords that requires. My computer remembers them mostly but I still write them down. If that fails, I use the recovery process for the website.

If I did not text I would have a whole lot less contact with my kids. Even my grandkids can text. The 7 year old can work my phone better than I can.

If I lived closer I'd love to go hunt some birds with you. Sounds like you have that well under control.

I don't know a solution to the rapidly expanding technology that I am completely comfortable with. I do not post to Facebook but I look at it to get pictures of the grandkids. I do not Instragram but I know there are also grandkid things there to. I have no interest in TikTok, I think my kids are smart enough to stay off that. I am not on "X" but I have gone on rumble before. Seemed like too big of a mess to me. I can blog, email, bank by computer, and do basic things on a cell phone (including ordering a pizza). I am not against learning new things but I won't do it unless I see a real need it addresses. This stuff is supposed to make our lives easier, not overly complicated for no purpose. At least that's what I think.
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So funny, just today I went back to work from a 3 week vacation and could not remember my login on my work computer. Had to call for help and reset my password. So embarrassing. I feel you sir
I make it habit now of writing mine down before I leave for a long vacation. We have to change our passwords at work every 6 months so I have several that still ring a bell and make it even worse.
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I'm the opposite, I like to text instead of talking. It gives the molasses in my brain time to warm up so I can give the right answer otherwise who knows what I'm liable to tell ya. 🤔🤔
I agree with you I'd rather text then talk it seems easier sometimes I can't find the correct words to say when I'm under pressure talking lol
I agree with you I'd rather text then talk it seems easier sometimes I can't find the correct words to say when I'm under pressure talking lol
In my case, I prefer actually talking (voice). All I have is a flip-phone, so texting is a chore. When I talk to someone, I can get an idea of what they really mean by their voice inflections and other things that are never apparent in a text. I would prefer email over text, but actually talking to someone (voice) is always the better form of communication for me.

To each their own.

All my best!

In my case, I prefer actually talking (voice). All I have is a flip-phone, so texting is a chore. When I talk to someone, I can get an idea of what they really mean by their voice inflections and other things that are never apparent in a text. I would prefer email over text, but actually talking to someone (voice) is always the better form of communication for me.

To each their own.

All my best!

I get that as well
I guess I just don't understand the fear of technology. But I'm probably an outlier here as I manage almost 5000 mobile devices and iPads as part of my job.
I guess you are just too young to appreciate what is in the EULAs. Invasion of privacy is rampant with cellphones and OS (Windows, Apple, etc.) on computers.

Cell phones (smart phones) are even worse!

If you really don't think that is a problem, then you really don't understand. It is not fear of technology, but fear of those who control YOUR data.

That is what is wrong with this country. Ignorance and complacency.

All my best!

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One place I worked as a mechanic i had 7 different logins that would change at different times. I had to write the passwords down to keep up with them. I contacted IT and they refused or couldnt do anything about it. They refused to see it was less secure that way. I wasn't even management which was sad as all other mechanics had the same level of access.
That’s my life. Can’t remember how many times I have told the IT guys that I don’t know who I am.