I couldn't help myself. 75.00 for a nearly like new 717 on eBay, but its a leaker. However, with some advice from @marflow 777 I "plugged" up a couple of 40 yr old LNIB 777 leakers this week. They shoot and function great. I want to tune the pump heads so both are shooting at approx 365fps. Because the 777s are shooting so well and LNIB with both display and shipping boxes from Daisy I didn't want to use them for my first 7 series Daisy FPS adjustment experiment. I also ordered a walnut Ambi grip for one of the 777s so I have an extra RH target grip for my inbound 717. I'll be shooting 3 Daisy 7 series in the bowels of my basement this cold winter, both left and right hand.
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