Omega Turbo Charger Compressor

I've owned this compressor (new) since a bit before this time last year. I filled my 80 cu. ft. , 4500 PSI Omega tank with it once last year with no difficulty. I tried to fill the tank today. I watched the very detailed Youtube video by the fellow who posts lots of videos here (AEC ?).

I make sure the reset switch is on, bleed valves are closed on both compressor and tank, turn the on/off switch on to get coolant flowing, the red light on the front panel comes on (off switch), but when I push the green light button, the green light doesn't stay on. The compressor doesn't begin to "compress". I called for AOA where I bought it today but they are all in training.

I'm sure I'm forgetting something simple (I hope) but I don't know what.

I'd take the right side panel off and look under the dash board and make sure all those wires are connected and fully in their sockets. If you see a loose wire or one that is barely making connection, that may be your problem.

In any case I would call AoA and ask to speak with Todd, pretty sure he can tell you more about the Omega Super Charger than you want to know.
Thanks for these responses.

I had been pushing start with tank valve open (3,000 psi). So I bled off the compressor and closed bleed valve. I did the same with tank. Then, with tank fill valve closed tried again.

I have the reset toggle pushed down on reset.

Then turned on. I hear coolant motor running. When I push the start button it goes green but won’t stay down.

I'm sure I’m not doing something simple. The machine only has two hours on it. I have new Steyr LP 50 HP Compact I’m anxious to shoot. I will try AOA when AZ wakes up.


p.s. The great video is by AEAC. However in the video when he says reset switch must be on for compressor to work he pushes the toggle to Off?
Bowwild, I have been running my super charger for over a year now and my toggle is ALWAYS set to "reset".

​In the video that Brian10956 just posted to this page ... at the 24 minute mark ... he talks about the Super Charger not being able to work and having an automatic shut off if the compressor detects any air in the water pump. Is your water pump circulating, is there water pouring out the little hole in the reservoir while you have the red on/off switch pushed. If it has set for a year, it's possible that a little air might have worked it's way into the pumps lower section. The water level is supposed to be about .5" below the hole when you take the cap off.
Thanks for all the suggestions.
I called AOA and they had Todd call me. I remember Todd was the fellow who talked me through my first use of the compressor a bit more than a year ago. First thing he told me when I let him know I had only 2 hours on the compressor is must shoot more.

Todd is a fine fellow and talked me through this issue.

There were two issues:
1. The pair of check valves were quite dirty (grease from new pistons). One was worse than the other. I had to clean both and replace a spring and tiny piece on one. The spare parts came with the device.

2. I also had to "tap" on the white pumps, one downline from each of the pistons. Apparently, or both were "stuck" from low use.

I got through about 1 hour of filling and it stopped again. I checked the check valves. Then tapped the white pumps again. The tapping fixed it again. Got through the remainder of the fill with no issues. Now, whether I need to fill the tank or not it is recommended I run the unit 30 minutes a month.

I'll make a rare post of Steyr LP50 HP Compact (pistol) experiences soon. I want to put the pistol through the chronograph and some supported shooting. I know when I was studying whether to buy this pistol or not it was very difficult to find any reviews on it. I found a couple though and Eric in Norway was very helpful.
These machines are sensitive to overgreasing via the rotatable grease knobs... I've gooped up a check valve myself. If you do, it will do just as described in this post... fire up and croak almost as quick, or sometimes they run for a few then shut off. Either way, it's a simple fix that usually just involves q-tipping out the extra grease and or replacing the check valve with the spare they ship with. Both are a 5 minute fix.

The owners manual makes no reference about starting to fill with tank open or closed. I have done both options with my turbo without issue. It bleeds air upon startup for timed duration you select so why would it matter on the pressure of your tank? The compressor operates to a specified PSI, it doesn't care if the starting pressure is 1k, 2k or 3k. The burst disk is set to 4800 so anything under that PSI and it will keep on charging. Only issue I had was when I left it in garage during cold weather. It didn't want to run, brought it inside and it's fine. So now I only use it outside when its above 40 degrees Fahrenheit .