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If it were me, I'd have a couple things (and I'm no prepper, mostly a city boy with no illusions of surviving the SHTF)

1. Good pistol, adequate ammunition. Adequate is a matter of opinion, not getting into that now. Probably a .357, or .40 or something close with adequate penetration to keep looters at bay, and kill or incapacitate with a single well placed shot.

2. High Quality Break Barrel and a rebuild kit. Probably 10K pellets. This would be great for small game like doves. Store lots of ammo in small space, need a rebuild kit just in case.

If I were to have a PCP, minimum a hand pump and probably something like a Maximus that only requires 2000 PSI to pump. Still 10K pellets, a rebuild kit or two for the gun and pump, 

3. If I thought the zombie apocalypse was upon us, an AR15 with a 30 round mag and a red dot site. Adequate ammunition to shoot out the barrel couple times over, you know, just in case. 30 round mag to keep shooting, red dot to ensure quick target acquisition and disposal. But since the Zombie Apocalypse shouldn't be any time soon, I'll pass on the AR. Just too loud.
fishinwrench maybe you live in mayberry but thats not how a shtf scenario is going to go and we are not yet in a shtf moment. Just think back to the shtf moments in recent history that were not on a large scale and look at the looting, rioting and violence that went on in those very short localized events. When those moments happened people didnt even have to worry about if things would be better, everyone knew they would and they still went crazy. A real shtf situation that covers North America or the world will be very ugly.

This is one reason I never will live in a city. I agree with fish, your best chance for survival is as a group, a neighborhood coming together for survival 

That being said as to food hunting a good bow or crossbow to me is the best bet ( not to say I wouldn't have an A.R and side arm on my hip. In the last four deer seasons my bow has brought home more meat than anything else in my safe. Another factor about a good sharp bolt is the fact that many bullet proof vest will not stop a cutting head (excluding the breastplate) my personal opinion if you have a group of bad guys there is nothing more discouraging than seeing the fellow next to them than one of the group getting a shaft stuck in his gut. If you have ever seen a wound channel from a toxic broadhead or ramcat you would understand.

First off if this happens I want to go in the first round.....I don't want to survive, I like living....anyhoo I am bored.

I think this in a bit of a different way.....You airgun is going to put food on the table....I really think a PCP is the single worst thing you can pick....even hand pumps are not the most long term reliable things out there. You are not going to have orings and, oil, and all that crap to keep it going.

I like the idea of the blue streak or some other 22 MSP. This is what you want. In 177 you could use BB's to take mice and small birds to eat, yea you will likely be eating mice, rats, and other things you go yuck at. But a 22 would open it up a bit more, and after you run out of real "ammo" the 22 opens itself up to using little rocks, nails a little better then a 177.

But PCP yea, that will work for about a year....then what.
The question is An AIRGUN, I take this to mean that IT is not necessarily THE only survival tool I may have. So, with this in mind, I would choose a very reliable SPRINGER. Something with a fixed barrel perhaps, or one with a positive lockup, it would have to have iron sights, in .177.

Why?: Easy to work on, self contained, can stash a LOT of ammo, will probably not be too concerned with a “humane” kill, only need bare minimum tools to work on, the most important spare parts are small and easy to stash a lifetime supply of. A few birds of ANY kind or some squirrels, turtles, etc. will do. If hunkered down, it’s not unreasonable to have a small mold & make own ammo, scrap metal should be abound. Even can stash a few small scopes. 
I'd say the only problem with a bow/crossbow is eventually you're gonna be whittling sticks to shoot out of it. Arrows, bolts, and broadheads are kinda pricey, how many can you afford to have on hand?

I've actually got arrows that has lasted for three years and going, at one point and time I was shooting a lot of 3d club shoots and a lot of target practice, as long as I was carful and stuff they would last a pretty long time. But you are right there would come a point in time that would be the case but I think it would last longer than any ammo or chemicals for a PB. 

I don't know I think it will all boil down to being prepared with not only the right equipment but also the right knowledge. This is one reason why I started doing my own processing, and am getting ready to do my own smoking and other long term food storage technique, to Learn so I know how.

Unfortunately we have allowed far too many of these valuable once common skills fall by the wayside. 

I don't actually think we will find ourselves in knee deep in zombies 😂 but it isn't going to be pretty. It will be those that can and will be able to take care of themselves and or has a valuable skill to offer others in trade that will come out alive or at least the best chance to do so. A good flexible mind will be the most valuable tool in any long term survival situation no matter the cause,

If it does go sideways then I will hole up and let the idiots kill themselves out while me n mine and those like minded stay together and share our resources and build our walls . And since I know someone will ask,.,. When what's left of those idiots come a calling what then? You would be amazed what you can do with a few household chemicals and sugar 😈 let em come 

I've made my own knives and blacksmithed some of my own tools, can build my own furniture and work a wood lathe. Successfully set and run traps and have some wild plant knowledge, know how to grow and can my own veggies and make my own shine.......(for medical purposes of course😉)

Sorry this kind of got off it's topic, 

You guys talking about 22 cal Springer's and stuff try living a week on rodents and birds before you decide to stick to your guns (pun intended). I will give you a valuable tip look up any qualified survival teacher and ask if it can be done. The body needs fats and other nutrients that they don't have to survive. Short term yes but long term no way
I can see a strong case for a springer. A couple of spare mainsprings, seals and a pipe clamp could keep one going for a long, long time. I’ve put alot of squirrels/rabbits/bullfrogs in the skillet with an old .22 C-1 that’s still on original seals and mainspring.

Then too, have a ‘64 Benjy 312 that I don’t believe has ever been resealed. Still spits Hobbys @ 640 and will never rust.

I reckon there’s plenty of reasonable choices for a survival airgun. Don’t believe I’d consider a Co2 or PCP though👊
Do you springer guys have a press to rebuild your guns with? If you’re chosing a springer because its less maintenance, you have to factor whether you have the tools to rebuild it just as a PCP guy does. I’ve owned 2 springers. Both have had failint seals after a few years and lost a lot of power. 

PCPs with hand pumps are tried and true for survival situation. Lewis and Clark made theirs last in the wilderness for 2 1/2 years. Are there any historical examples anyone is aware of concerning a springer being put to the test like that?

Yup, I factored that into my opinion up above. Depending on which Springer you choose, a press may not even be necessary. The LGV and the TX200 don’t need a press for example. 

Also, parts like seals are relatively cheap, small/portable, and easy to get. A couple springs + the one in the gun will last. 

Besides, the Airgun doesn’t have to be your only survival tool. 
While a hand pump would be a tedious option I would go with a Texan or at least would if they would start making parts more readily available to the average public Hint Hint!!! Right now repairs are only available through the factory.

I wouldn't want to limit myself to small game so I agree on the larger caliber 

What I really wish I could see is a manufacturer fall back to the roots of a PCP Lewis n Clark Garandoni only used 900 psi of air and shot .46 cal round ball that was able to take down deer, was a repeater and came with it's own pump. 

Combine today's tech with yesterday's concept of needing to make easy field repairs with only whats available or can be made and you would have the perfect survival PCP. 

Today's pumps could easily pump 900 psi and a 47 cal 200 grain bullet is more than enough to do the job. 

If it can be done in the late 1700 there is NO reason why it can't be done today.

I would suspect that a modern .45 could be thusly tuned. The Lewis and Clark gun was only a 115fpe gun thereabouts. All you’d need to do would be throddle down a more powerful gun and tune it for efficency. 

Yes, apparently a 115fpe .46 airgun was killing large game just fine. And was also fine for the battlefield as evidenced by the gun’s military use. That’s one reason I think our fretting over FPE for hunting is silly when we’re talking about large calibers. Caliber kills moreso than energy. 
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