One more rat...

Went to the dairy today about 5 pm, saw lots of sparrows, but they mysteriously disappeared after I set up. Shot two pigeons one at 54 yards whose carcass is still on the roof. The second pigeon went to the resident cat. The sparrows did come back and I was able to take out twelve of them before it got too dark for me. The shots ranged from 15 to 56 yards. The JSB 18s really do a job on the sparrows, one of them lost the top half of its head at 45 yards. Had an opportunity where there was a sparrow and a pigeon on the same peak 50 yards away. The sparrow got the JSB and the pigeon took off to live another day. The pigeons are making a mess of the roofs so I’ve been asked to prioritize them, so going forward I plan on being merciless on them. Shot this rat at 45 yards, these guys are always moving, so I set up and waited and sent the shot as soon as it paused, saw the solid hit and death roll. I plink almost everyday from 50 to 65 yards at chewed up black walnut shell, wine corks, pieces of sidewalk chalk, etc. Plinking has helped my pesting immensely while being fun. Plus the gun is so accurate it makes me look good. I let two ten year olds a boy and girl shoot my Compatto, both were smoking pieces of sidewalk chalk at 50 yards within a few shots after being told where to hold. The look on their faces as they connected was priceless.
