Only a matter of time before they use PCPs in the military…

With the introduction of these new rifles such as the Skout Epoch rifles, the FX Panthera, and the Impact M3…I think it’s only a matter of time before they are adopted by the military for training or actual military application (they might already be in use…I recall the Impact was being used as a training tool for snipers under the Black Hawk Down instructor). Then there will be regulation…then I cry 😢. I wish we could just be stuck in limbo where we are at now…but I don’t think it’s going to happen since it’s human nature to want more and more and better toys. People are hitting 4 inch targets at 250 yards with a little .22 slug. Imagine 10 years from now…

What do you all think?
Nope. FPE.

Relative to most airguns, yes, there are some airguns with mucho power. Big bores have been doing it for years. More recently, guns like the Vulcan 3 that can do 150fpe with a reg setting of 130ish bar (got one in my gunroom right now that 120 bar is too much reg to keep it legal for XFT @ under 100fpe), and now the Panthera are getting up into the 150fpe realm, but we're still talking peanuts when comparing that FPE to an actual military weapon.

Again, nope.
When I got my Monsoon and Revo back in the day all the snowflakes on the forums were crying that regulation would be coming soon because of semi autos and moderators blah blah .... then I remember snowflake azz Pyramid air even took down every semi auto they offered a few years later because they were scared . . .

And here we are 16 years later, there's still people saying regulations will come.

Let them come when they do. Who cares.
Nope. FPE.

Relative to most airguns, yes, there are some airguns with mucho power. Big bores have been doing it for years. More recently, guns like the Vulcan 3 that can do 150fpe with a reg setting of 130ish bar (got one in my gunroom right now that 120 bar is too much reg to keep it legal for XFT @ under 100fpe), and now the Panthera are getting up into the 150fpe realm, but we're still talking peanuts when comparing that FPE to an actual military weapon.

Again, nope.
The new Skout Epoch is pushing 44 or 50 grains at over 900 FPS at 73 bar…in 10 years time we should be seeing even greater improvements
Yeah I don't buy this at all.

People have been saying "the sky is falling!!" for years. Hasn't panned out.

I also think the regulators have already made their priorities clear. Airguns are not on that list. There is virtually 0 political capital available for regulating air rifles at anything other than a city or state level in very particular jurisdictions.

Why would the military choose to use air rifles that cost several times more than M4's and are on par with the cost of a new Sig SPEAR but put out 1/12 of the energy and lose ballistic effectiveness drastically beyond 100 yards?
Yeah I don't buy this at all.

People have been saying "the sky is falling!!" for years. Hasn't panned out.

I also think the regulators have already made their priorities clear. Airguns are not on that list. There is virtually 0 political capital available for regulating air rifles at anything other than a city or state level in very particular jurisdictions.

Why would the military choose to use air rifles that cost several times more than M4's and are on par with the cost of a new Sig SPEAR but put out 1/12 of the energy and lose ballistic effectiveness drastically beyond 100 yards?
Ammo perhaps? Well I’m not saying it’s going to happen now, but at the rate we’re going…it will happen eventually. Maybe in the next 10 years…if not 20 years
Seems ever closer by the day though, doesn't it? Like people made fun of Noah until the floodwaters were waist deep.
Perhaps? I'm of the opinion that the gun rights situation is better than most people let on.

Concealed carry DRASTICALLY expanded (26 States have constitutional carry), Clinton assault weapons ban was defeated, every subsequent nationwide AWB defeated, multiple ground breaking SCOTUS rulings in favor of private firearms ownership, gun proliferation up the wazoo, 2A sanctuary states seriously in the conversation.

Not saying regulation isn't a concern but I reject the idea that it is inevitable or impending.
Airguns are probably going to show up at the entry levels of training for the civilian turned soldier. Current contracts for a basic M4 is topping $700.00 per unit by FN USA but will be wearing the DVO for another $643.00 per unit.

Its not too much of a leap to believe that less lethal (the proper term, not less THAN lethal) training rounds could be used especially since this year alone, the ammo budget has been cut from 480m to 420m for the army.

Lake City is raising per unit prices for 5.56 M855A1, reports say it will be about $.50 a round in the upcoming cycle.

Think how much cheaper a standardized PCP in the shape of an M4 or XM5 would be especially when you think what the 6.8 ammo is going to cost the ARMY to buy?
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Think how much cheaper a standardized PCP in the shape of an M4 or XM5 would be especially when you think what the 6.8 ammo is going to cost the ARMY to buy?

I have a "Less Lethal" Pepperball VKS (along with probably 20 other markers) that's tuned to 50 FPE shooting 124gr (8grams) 6.8 riot balls that I run drills with every day. It's fun as hell, although tuned to 50 FPE it's not less lethal lol
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