Only a matter of time before they use PCPs in the military…

I remember back in 1970 at basic training (Fort Lewis Wa.) we were given daisy BB guns to shoot. One guy would toss a POKER CHIP into the air then you would throw the gun to your shoulder and shoot at it. I believe they called it point and shoot, it was for you to get practice on getting on to the target faster. I thought what the hell I'm headed to Viet Nam. As the old saying is practice make's perfect. As far as using a air gun in a battle field situation no way in hell more chances is a laser beam to fry their butt.
I don’t know about regulation. Black powder guns make a ton of power and they are not regulated. I also believe PCP’s are too complex for military operations. I was in the Army for 6.5 years then took 2 defense contracts as a civilian for a total of 6 rotations to Iraq, and let me tell you the Army has enough trouble keeping a M16 operational. I could just imagine the calamity it would be to service a weapon dependent on o-rings and clean dry air.

While I do believe regulations will eventually come, I don’t think it will be anytime soon. It will most likely come after some worthless person starts committing crimes, and not from a military presence.
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I don’t know about regulation. Black powder guns make a ton of power and they are not regulated. I also believe PCP’s are too complex for military operations. I was in the Army for 6.5 years then took 2 defense contracts as a civilian for a total of 6 rotations to Iraq, and let me tell you the Army has enough trouble keeping a M16 operational. I could just imagine the calamity it would be to service a weapon dependent on o-rings and clean dry air.

While I do believe regulations will eventually come, I don’t think it will be anytime soon. It will most likely come after some worthless person starts committing crimes, and not from a military presence.
Perhaps something along the lines like the UK and <12 FPE and FAC. I’m thinking that would be a stretch, especially enforcing it. Three or four letter agency agents with chronos in their vehicles. 😂😂
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I know the Army had a 'quick kill' program around the Vietnam era where they used BB guns to train on fast target acquisition, but I think on a whole, airguns are far too fragile.

I'm an Army vet myself and the thought of trying having an expensive PCP in the hands of a squad full of soldiers just makes my butt pucker.
Edit - removing my own comment that has to do with the type of event that would fast track regulation as it’s more a response to others in the thread as opposed to a response to OPs assertion. Also it’s a Sunday and I realized I’m not in the mood to go back and forth with people over the internet lol.

To OP, poor reliability alone is enough to disqualify their use by armed forces.
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As a Marine Corps Vet, I can't imagine ANY Air rifle making it though a combat mission. I couldn't imaging having to Butt Stroke or Face Bash someone with an air rifle. I'd rather just let them get closer and stab them. :)
I can see it now, your on patrol, ambush!!!!, you hit the deck, and hit your tank, your pellet pouch is pinched between your body armor and a rock denting the skirts. hssssssss, crap. Hey, Dude on the hill, can you hold on a second, while I check for a good pellet and get some more air? hahahhahha
Not gonna happen, well at least with the Marine Corps, I see the Army and Air Force already tried them, but it's the Army and Air Force. :)

Once an airgun runs out of air, it's completely useless. And high-powered airguns are absolute air hogs. So yeah, lets have soldiers haul scuba tanks around in addition to the rifle itself + ammo. Very practical!

Agreed, the use for PCP's would be training. M4's are a pretty intense first experience for most of the recruits, even my sons were a little surprised at the recoil and noise and they had been shooting for years before going into the services.
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