Only a matter of time before they use PCPs in the military…

The Army is the number one buyer in the World,whose money do they use?
Ain't going to happen,get over it,how long are they going to be taking to fill there air guns,went a minute I am out-of-air,throw me another pellet with air.
Better off to roll"another one" and make every one happy.
The Army did try to use an air cannon,using the sound to try to incapatitate through hearing loss,"Black Sabbath" did the same thing.o_O
With the introduction of these new rifles such as the Skout Epoch rifles, the FX Panthera, and the Impact M3…I think it’s only a matter of time before they are adopted by the military for training or actual military application (they might already be in use…I recall the Impact was being used as a training tool for snipers under the Black Hawk Down instructor). Then there will be regulation…then I cry 😢. I wish we could just be stuck in limbo where we are at now…but I don’t think it’s going to happen since it’s human nature to want more and more and better toys. People are hitting 4 inch targets at 250 yards with a little .22 slug. Imagine 10 years from now…

What do you all think?
Napoleon did it many, many years ago…

The Austrian Army introduced the Girardoni M1780 repeating air rifle as a specialist weapon and used them in the Napoleonic Wars. A multi-shot breech loader, it only had an effective full charge range to about 150 yd (140 m). It was nearly silent and made no smoke or noise, but was complex and needed a significant infrastructure to support it. The air rifle fell out of use after 1815 as more conventional types of weapons proved superior overall, in only a few more decades, all soldiers would be gunpowder rifle equipped.
I actually made a post a few months ago about a QB57 being used in Ukraine, it was almost immediately removed for being "inappropriate content" ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
idk if the link I posted was inappropriate or my take on it was inappropriate, but at least one poor soul has gone into war with a air gun and a springer at that...
Perhaps? I'm of the opinion that the gun rights situation is better than most people let on.

Concealed carry DRASTICALLY expanded (26 States have constitutional carry), Clinton assault weapons ban was defeated, every subsequent nationwide AWB defeated, multiple ground breaking SCOTUS rulings in favor of private firearms ownership, gun proliferation up the wazoo, 2A sanctuary states seriously in the conversation.

Not saying regulation isn't a concern but I reject the idea that it is inevitable or impending.
I think you’re painting a picture that sounds nicer than it actually looks.

A few things:

Yes, because of the Bruen decision, concealed carry is somewhat easier to obtain in some of the most restrictive states, but, as I’m sure you’re aware, those same states have doubled down on what are now considered sensitive areas. In effect, they have (or will) ban concealed carry throughout most of the state. New York has already done this and California and New Jersey will soon follow. Unless some federal judge somewhere steps in, those of us residing in restrictive states will actually be worse off.

I don’t mean to split hairs, but the Clinton “assault weapons” ban was not defeated - it sunsetted. There’s a big difference.

And since when has every ”assault weapons” ban been defeated. It’s one thing for a judge to rule something unconstitutional, it’s altogether a different thing for restrictive laws to be laid to rest. Once the state appeals, a stay is granted and the years grind on. I should know, I live in California.

Sure, firearms ownership is up, but so is regulation, at least in states with legislative mindsets similar to California.

So how does all of this fit in with airguns? Of course they’ll be regulated. I’ve said it before and I’ll end up saying it again. Some legislators simply don’t like the shooting sports and/or those who participate in them. The tragic thing is that very popular airgun sites like AGN will be complicit in that we dare not discuss those who are against us lest we become subject to a ban.

And in keeping with the original premise of the thread; will the military ever adopt airguns? Never.
When I got my Monsoon and Revo back in the day all the snowflakes on the forums were crying that regulation would be coming soon because of semi autos and moderators blah blah .... then I remember snowflake azz Pyramid air even took down every semi auto they offered a few years later because they were scared . . .

And here we are 16 years later, there's still people saying regulations will come.

Let them come when they do. Who cares.
Exactly !!!!!!!!
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They would go after black powder weapons first and then start with laws that limit air gun power. I don't see either of those happening because those weapons aren't really a threat as far as a armed uprising is concerned. Then again, they can make up stories to sway public opinion and pretty much get whatever they want as long as it only affects a very small percentage of people.
A CO2 trainer for basic marksmanship, maybe. PCP? No.
Actually, Missouri Military Academy has a JROTC program that uses crosman 160s to train their cadets in rifle. Well, they used too, not sure if they still have those models since they're pretty old now. They were still using them a decade ago when my old boss's step son was going there.
The IDF has been known to use suppressed .22LR for certain tasks for years, and I think airguns, in certain scenarios could be superior.

I think the only major concerns would be around reliability and complexity, and, frankly, I would expect that for most applications those two issues would disqualify them from use, but I wouldn't be shocked at all to learn that folks somewhere were considering the idea.
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Not to disrespect any airgun manufacturers, but what airgun could stand up to the punishment the military would dish out ? The military treats everything like a rental car.
Edgun Leshiy Classic.

But that doesn't seem particularly useful outside of some VERY niche applications.
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Edgun Leshiy Classic.

But that doesn't seem particularly useful outside of some VERY niche applications.
You might be right. A buddy has one, and the first time I held it I said WOW, this thing is rock solid.
Not having spent any time with it other than him showing it to me, I think the only weak or vulnerable point would be the folding stock.
An airgun lover that appreciates and respects that gun (because of what he paid for it) will treat it accordingly, especially when folded, you want to protect the gas sealing areas. I don’t see a warrior doing that in the field.
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LMAO at these post. How may of you pro PCPs for the military actually served? You train with the equipment you go to war with. Rlfles with recoil, so you are used to it. You engage the enemy at the maximum effective range of your weapon so you can kill as many of them as you can before they get to you. For the 5.56 that used to be 460m. No air weapon can compare to the range, muzzle velocity,or foot pounds of energy of comparable military weapons.
The OP is trolling right? That or he has never served. You train with what you fight, period. There is no time to lose playing with toys. Airguns are a leisure activity , if you want to fantasize that you are a Ranger bro go join an airsoft team or something and start wearing camo and paint your face.
LMAO at these post. How may of you pro PCPs for the military actually served? You train with the equipment you go to war with. Rlfles with recoil, so you are used to it. You engage the enemy at the maximum effective range of your weapon so you can kill as many of them as you can before they get to you. For the 5.56 that used to be 460m. No air weapon can compare to the range, muzzle velocity,or foot pounds of energy of comparable military weapons.
“Don’t fire till you see the white of their eyes.”
