Opinions wanted. Do you like having someone else’s name on your rifles stock?

There are a couple of manufacturers of high-end PCPs, who insist their name belongs on my gun. They carve it into the stock in some fashion. Then they cover the pretty wood, with a durable but ugly finish that hides the grain.



Don’t defile the wood preferably. I am not a logo type guy, and there are a lot of weird names like Brocock.
Daystate’s name reminds me of the Indy500 for whatever reason. Gamo makes me think of Gumbo and so on. So no names engraved in wood is not cool. That being said not a deal breaker, but not sought after. 
Don’t defile the wood preferably. I am not a logo type guy, and there are a lot of weird names like Brocock.
Daystate’s name reminds me of the Indy500 for whatever reason. Gamo makes me think of Gumbo and so on. So no names engraved in wood is not cool. That being said not a deal breaker, but not sought after.

Ok, so you beat me on this one lieutenant.

Perhaps Daystate will create a sister company alongside Brocock and call it something like Clamshell 🙃
