Ordered a Fx Impact M3 ..... 4 months ago..

I ordered a .30 cal Standard from Pyramyd about a month ago when it showed up in stock, and received it about 4-5 days later.

I've seen stock come and go at Pyramyd, Baker Airguns and other vendors for at least the last 4-5 months. Sometimes it is not the exact color or configuration you are looking for, but at least with the above-mentioned vendors, when they say it is in stock, they have it on hand and it ships the next day or so.

I may be in a different situation than you as I'm retired so I can keep an eye on dealer 'in stock' inventories, multiple times per day if I wish.

I think that one other AGN member recently spoke of having waited 6 months so far, without his gun yet either.

Nothing in our sport seems to be getting either more available nor less expensive. If you see something you like in stock, you just have to jump on it.

EDIT: Hopefully when you get your gun, it will come with a .30 cal magazine. Mine came with a .22 mag in the box, but FX will eventually be replacing it with the proper one. Fortunately I had purchased an extra .30 cal mag from Utah, and it arrived the same day as the gun so I can shoot mine! ;)
I ordered mine from Utah and it has been six months now. Ordered a .30 Sniper. It's getting to be ridicules. Originally ordered from Talon Tunes but when I found they were not in stock after all I cancelled and ordered from Utah to save $100+ since I knew I was going to have to wait anyway. It's pretty messed up for it to take this long but nothing they can do about it!

Called them a few weeks back and they said I was high on the list and they get orders every couple of weeks but I am still waiting. Looks like no more FX guns for me unless they are in stock or FX gets the wait time down considerably.
I got mine in 2 months from Utah Airguns my advice is to do one full payment with PayPal. I ordered online and use PayPal one payment that gives you better chances I think..

How you pay has nothing to do with it as far as I can see. What it is all about is what you order. Some variations are few and farther between than others so you wait longer.

I paid PayPal full payment but ordered a .30 in the Sniper version so with a long barrel.
I had a wait on my Crown Mk II, but it was on back order when I was shopping, I ordered at the height of everyone wanting the new stuff, and I had got it through Utah. My M3 I got from Talon tunes but I ordered it right when I saw the first AD and called in. I got it within a month. The biggest thing I guess I have noticed is to try the smaller dealers first, a lot of times they get stuff in stock but because everyone goes to Utah or Pyramid they end up waiting a lot longer. If I were you I would go through the FX Airguns - USA dealer page and make some phone calls to see what you can find. From now on my thing pretty much is if Utah doesn't have it in stock or Pyramid, go to Talon, Ken Hicks all the secondary big dealers, then just start looking at the smaller names. Knife and Pen? in Scottsdale Arizona or there's a place in Mississippi that gets stuff on their shelves for a bit too.