Ordered a Fx Impact M3 ..... 4 months ago..

ordered mine locally the first of July, most of there customers ordered the 30, when I ordered it I told them in any caliber. Called them early this week, they said the next 22 or 25 would be mine. Now all we have to do is wait for a shipment. Sense July they have only received 4 M3s and a few option parts. I'm thinking FX has a shortage of either workers or materials that's is keeping the supply low. Thought about used but asking prices are the same or higher than new. So we wait. and wait and wait. It will not be a good thing if the M4 comes out and they have not filled the orders for the M3.
The guns, ammo etc are sitting in the hundred plus of cargo ships primarily sitting off Los Angeles and Long Beach harbor in a never ending wait to dump their cargo. My brother in law goes by them every day on his way to work. 

That's what happens when you pay people to not work and companies to not produce. They jack up the consumption of imported products while adding nothing to domestic manufacturing, distribution or services. Tens of millions have the time and money to be super-consumers. 
The guns, ammo etc are sitting in the hundred plus of cargo ships primarily sitting off Los Angeles and Long Beach harbor in a never ending wait to dump their cargo. My brother in law goes by them every day on his way to work. 

That's what happens when you pay people to not work and companies to not produce. They jack up the consumption of imported products while adding nothing to domestic manufacturing, distribution or services. Tens of millions have the time and money to be super-consumers.

Let us know when you receive it. Had a couple nonbelievers post that there is no way Bullet Central is a retailer for FX .
The guns, ammo etc are sitting in the hundred plus of cargo ships primarily sitting off Los Angeles and Long Beach harbor in a never ending wait to dump their cargo. My brother in law goes by them every day on his way to work. 

That's what happens when you pay people to not work and companies to not produce. They jack up the consumption of imported products while adding nothing to domestic manufacturing, distribution or services. Tens of millions have the time and money to be super-consumers.

Let us know when you receive it. Had a couple nonbelievers post that there is no way Bullet Central is a retailer for FX .

Guess we still won’t know till he actually receives it. Still seems a little too good to be true!
I TOTALLY lucked out on the long wait lists. I put my name in for a compact with one dealer, they told me told 2-3 months. Ugh, I don’t have that kind of patience. So I put my name in with another shop that could make no promises as well. Sooo I kept searching and by chance found a firearms dealer that had a brand new new M3 compact in.25 cal. Exactly what I was looking for except it was black instead of bronze. I hopped on it a fly on poo.

Literally the day before it came in the second shop, Mike at ABV, called me up and said he had a M3 standard in .25 cal come in and I was his first to call. Wicked cool guy shout out to him for coming through for me. He had a .177 cal M3 a couple days ago, might still be there. So anyways I couldn’t pass and picked that one up as well. The compact came in last Thursday and the standard came in Monday. I gave them both a whirl, they both shoot sweet, and I really really like the size of the compact (it would make a nice hunter for thick woods) however, I’m opting to keep the standard. Already ordered a stx heavy liner, carbon sleeve, slug power kit, and even found a harmonic barrel tuner!! Waiting on those parts to arrive, along with a metric butt ton of different slugs to try once I install the parts.
All the parts and slugs should be here tomorrow and Saturday. Looking forward to running it over the chrony and tuning it again for slugs hopefully this coming week. I currently have it tuned it for jsb heavy mkll’s, and have another tune recorded for jsb 25.39gr pellets as well. Feel like I struck gold, two in one week…. Would love to keep them both however the compact will end up in the classifieds soon. Really wish I could keep them both, the compact is such a cool gun, but my wife would literally shoot me with it. Not kidding, she’s a good shot with her ruger...

Disclaimer: I don’t take no sorry you have to wait for an answer, I literally called every FX dealer off their site and a few other airgun shops to boot. A lucky Google search found the compact, and ABV Mike hooked me up with the standard. Dudes total ****ing stud for that one.
Also, I got the opportunity to talk with a few cool guys on my quest to find one and learned a bucnch from them all. Alan Z, Tony, the guy from palm beach, Mike from Berg’s, the gentleman down in Alabama and Pookies, to name a few. Tell you Alan is one hot poop lol. and so was Mike Berg. Berg hunts with his .357 700mm and sent a video of him dropping a couple steer with it for the freezer. One cool vid. Pffft, thunk, dropped like a rock! Click click, thud. Not a twitch, totally clean shots on both. Going to be some tasty steaks. Tell you what, we have good seafood on the coast but the beef out west is to die for. All in all it was an adventure and glad I got to speak with so many awesome people. 
Sorry but not sorry for the cuss’n 

Thought I’d make a vid for my buddy first one shooting the FX



Dude that’s an awesome handle lmao!

you’re not the first person to say that!!!! I was looking at many different platforms including the Urugan, Vulcan, Taipan, daystate, cricket Theoben and prophet. My first and foremost consideration on all of them was being able to shoot left-handed. I have an a magazine poking me in the jawbone and a cocking lever way in the back would suck for a left-handed shooter like me. Granted there were a couple of exceptions like the prophet and fx tactical’s. But I really had my heart set on an M3. The ease of tuning, being able to easily change between calibers, convert the gun to different configurations had me sold. I still have an awful lot to learn about tuning but love that poop. Reminds me of sailing. Every little thing you adjust him give you a tiny bit better performance and when everything comes together it’s just sweet. I think I’ve gotten pretty lucky with my first few tunes, decent accuracy and low ES so far without any adjustments to the regulators. I’ll most likely be posting a couple questions on here regarding tuning and recommended velocities for slugs. I love this forum it’s a huge wealth of knowledge and lots of great shooters all hangin out helping each other and having fun. There are so many great guns out there, wish I could afford one of each. I just really wanted this one. About to head into the woods with her for the first time. Wish I was bringing the compact, such an awesome gun short and packs a punch, but don’t want to put a single scratch on it, save that for the next owner.
Lol ****ing love that screen name man 😂😂😂

Stay awesome man!!!
Check out Bullet Central. Looks like they are a new Dealer for FX Impacts and have several in stock as of 10/19/21.

The folks at bullet central are great people. I've bought several bix n andy triggers from them over the years, and when one showed up missing a part a couple days before I was leaving on a hunting trip one of their people called me from home well after their posted closing hours and overnighted what was missing with Saturday delivery... I never even asked for that level of help, I told them I was perfectly ok with my old trigger for the time being and they could slow boat the replacement part to me the following week after my trip.

I was pretty surprised when I got their email a couple days ago saying they were now an FX dealer and had quite a few M3s in stock (they still had several in stock as of an hour ago.)

I just ordered a .25 M3 compact from them to keep my 700mm .22 M3 company. I'll be converting the compact to .22, easy enough to do. I would have preferred to order a .22 compact and not have to swap parts, but can't be too picky right now if you want an M3 quickly. I still have a backorder for a 700mm .22 at Utah that's going on 18 weeks (oddly enough, bullet central has that exact configuration still in stock right now)-- I need to cancel that backorder...

There's a lot of things contributing to the ship backlog that are maybe not so obvious. It's not just about dumping the ships cargo. Once the ships are unloaded the cargo just sits on the dock because they don't have the capacity to move it out of the port. For one thing there is a shortage of truck chassis (the trailer used to haul containers). Trucks show up at the port not knowing whether a trailer will be available. For another, its California law that no truck can be older than 2011. Drivers are limited in the number of hours they can drive. Truckers must enter the port by appointment. Often they get stuck in traffic and miss their time slot. The port doesn't allow independent or owner operated trucks. Only big trucking companies.

I heard on the news about an efficiency study that was done on ports worldwide. Our largest ports, LA/Long Beach & New York rated about 62 on the list. Worst than most third world countries. Do you suppose the union contributed to this ?

In the meantime, these ships offshore, anchored or not, keep their dirty diesel engines running and are the number one air pollution source in Southern California. I see the brown haze blowing into the inland region every day.


There's a lot of things contributing to the ship backlog that are maybe not so obvious. It's not just about dumping the ships cargo. Once the ships are unloaded the cargo just sits on the dock because they don't have the capacity to move it out of the port. For one thing there is a shortage of truck chassis (the trailer used to haul containers). Trucks show up at the port not knowing whether a trailer will be available. For another, its California law that no truck can be older than 2011. Drivers are limited in the number of hours they can drive. Truckers must enter the port by appointment. Often they get stuck in traffic and miss their time slot. The port doesn't allow independent or owner operated trucks. Only big trucking companies.

I heard on the news about an efficiency study that was done on ports worldwide. Our largest ports, LA/Long Beach & New York rated about 62 on the list. Worst than most third world countries. Do you suppose the union contributed to this ?

In the meantime, these ships offshore, anchored or not, keep their dirty diesel engines running and are the number one air pollution source in Southern California. I see the brown haze blowing into the inland region every day.

I totally agree. Unfortunately the port is not run by private enterprise who has to deliver profits or get fired. There is no concern for the ships sitting offshore because the employees in charge of the decision making etc are paid by salary and unfunded liabilities like pensions and most protected by contracts/tenure etc. If the ships sit and products only trickle in it's no skin off their nose.

You are correct trucking contracts go to the highest bidders based on lobby contributions leaving out the smaller companies. Then you have the unions, eleven just for the city workers, not allowing any supplement independent labor brought in.

We have an off the chart record amount of unemployed laborers in that specific area and nobody can or wants to connect them to the crisis opportunities. We pay one group to sit and do nothing while letting the other group be responsible for a pitiful performance with zero accountability. 

There are so many ways to expedite this situation it is not even funny. Seems we find the least competent runners/workers then when the starting gun goes off for the start of the race they shoot themselves in the foot. They limp along in last place arguing there was no other choice which would make all the connected people happy. The answer becomes to force everyone else to shoot themselves in the foot and slow the race down to a crawl.