Ordering fx products through Fx USA

Just an idea. You order your new gun from Fx USA to come through the dealer of your choice. Then the waiting list is ranked according to who placed there order with them. Dealers don't miss out as the gun still comes through them. They may of course still have what you want in stock. 
Just solves the problem of the dealers jockeying to get hold of the same guns for there customers. 
Some people end up waiting longer because they placed there order with a different dealer. 

Interesting idea, but I don't think that would work. I'm not sure who the air gun retail business model works, but I am assuming with high priced guns like FX, these dealers are purchasing the inventory from FX, and it is not on consignment like a car dealer or other high ticket items. 

So, if a place like AoA orders 200 Crowns, I'm thinking they are putting out the wholesale purchase price for each unit (maybe $1,200 or $1,500 fit the retail is $1,800...I have no idea, just guessing), and that is just the cost of doing business and they have many units to offer the customer. The little dealer may only be able to afford 10 units, and it becomes first come first serve whether you get it from the big guy or little guy. 
in sales the margin is closer to 50% if the retail is 1800 they get them for 900.
manufacturers dont make much, probably thats what FX is trying to change.

but it can be that the service was shocking/ poor that it affected sales why there is the service center/ change.

i estimate the material costs can be 200$, another 200$ for labour, 300$ for the government/ tax, 200 for the profit, all remaining 900 is for the sales/distribution/retail chain and service if any.
cant be way too off
"CHUCK"Traditionally, most of the big manufacturers of everything from to refrigerators to washers and dryers have had their own warranty service centers, rather than trust their dealers to do the warranty service and repairs for them. 

I believe a creative genius like Mr. Axelsson and a good businessman like Johan who is the President of his company, made a very wise decision to open their own warranty service center in the country that is responsible for 85% of their product sales. If they ever decide to sell their products directly to the public and cut out the middleman dealers entirely, they will be able to lower the price for their products and yet make far greater profits from the sale of those products.

I think we were all hoping we would be able to purchase FX products directly from the new facility in North Carolina, and have any necessary repairs done in a timely fashion. I do know we are all hoping that someone will at least answer the phone and not leave us on hold forever, and then make us feel like they are doing us a big favor to talk to us. I suppose calling a dealer to spend $1500.00 to $2000.00 on a product they sell doesn't rate an answer right away if you are only calling to buy a pellet gun. 

So Mr. Axelsson, on behalf of every FX Airgunner in the United States of America, I am asking you to stop selling your wonderful products through dealers and instead sell directly to us the public. We would appreciate being able to purchase your products for a little less money if possible, but what we would really like is for you to hire someone to answer the phone when we call. And I think I can speak for every FX airgun owner when I say a heartfelt thank you for opening your new warranty service center in North Carolina, and especially for hiring our beloved Ernest Rowe to run the service/repair/parts department there.

Kind regards, Chuck
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Exactly the reason I don't own one yet. Lack of CS after the sale. Also for the price the product doesn't add up, not here in the US for me anyways. Yes I've shot a few different models and the guns simply don't feel well made. Not that they aren't, but flimsy would be a good descriptive.
Chuck there was only one "Dealer" servicing FX Guns and that was the Sole Importer AOA / PAD. No other dealer was authorized to do service that involved anything but the most basic disassembly such as barrel and breech o-rings. You are badly mistaken if you think any "standard dealer" is making anywhere near double or triple their cost unless they are the direct importer and only sales channel for a specific product..

If FX began direct sales to end users many smaller dealers would simply vanish since they would be unable to get the most desirable and demanded guns.

If you want to know how tough small dealers have it then I encourage you to become one and find out first hand the errors of your assumptions.
I tried to become an importer and dealer for JKHan a some time so I know exact figures on that particular line of guns. Unfortunately the entire venture was only a learning experience when it all fell through at the last moment. It is a real eye opener to the entire industry and the hidden cost to be a dealer.

If FX did sell direct why would they settle for prices any lower than the market already has shown people are willing to pay? ;)

Do you think dealers reading this thread are taking note of names to go on their do not sell to black list since you are proposing to eliminate their "retail" businesses in which many have sunk their time, effort and life savings? What a bunch of Giraffes! :p 

You can still walk into any retail dealer's store and buy FX and other guns off the shelf. You can order most of these retail dealer's products through the internet as well so what is the big deal? I do not see any behind the times sales just because you can't pick a big box store to purchase FX from. If you want to buy FX from BassPro / Cabelas then why don't you start a campaign to get them to apply to FX-USA and become an FX dealer. Beating a drum here is not going to make it happen.

We all want lower prices.... on that we can agree but I am confused. If FX sells direct without dealers then they have a monopoly and can charge anything they wish. Who is their competition other than manufacturers such as Daystate etc.? You seem to think that the prices are a result of the dealer markup BUT it seems to me that what you are missing is FX sets the price that the dealers are selling the guns for. It is called MAP. If a dealer wants to advertise guns below MAP then they loose their ability to purchase guns from FX.

The only thing that will cause the price to drop on a popular selling item is if ALL people stop buying them. Then and only then will the manufacturer have to drop prices. As long as any item from any manufacturer's supply is outstripped by demand prices will remain constant or increase.

I hope I never see a high end airgun on Amazon or Cabela's/Bass Pro.
Think of the poor rifles and the returns the manufacturers would be dealing with.

Good airguns are a niche market and I think all the dealers do a great job promoting the brands and providing quality customer service.
I have personally purchased from all of them and do so by supporting them and helping them grow their businesses and the sport of airgunning.