We finally have a day with winds under 10 mph and I sighted in my HW100BP-K with the .177 Polymag shorts. After zeroing in at 20 yards I went out to set the target at 50 when I knocked it off the bench and onto the garage floor. I almost cried. An inspection revealed a very small maring at the end of the moderator, but shooting it again at 20yds the poi was now 8" low and 3" left. Inspecting it closer I noticed the Weihrauch on the moderator was not in the same place and the barrel was easily turned. I had been experiencing poi shifts and chalked it up to mounting the scope on the plastic pic rail. I removed it and used a 1 piece mount on the dovetails and it still persisted. A moderate disassembly showed the hex nut loose and the barrel would easily rotate. I inserted the barrel with the serial number showing and tightened everything up. First shot at 20 yrds I thought I missed the entire target, but found the pellet hit dead center on the black marker's dot. I put 13 more shots into the dot and moved the target to 30 yrds and drew on another dot. 14 pellets hit the new dot using the same poa so no drop from 20 to 30 yards. The wind was now pushing 12 mph across my shooting lane so no 50 yard shot today.
So my newest and most expensive rifle is dropped and mared, while my oldest and cheapest rifle looks new. Go figure.
So my newest and most expensive rifle is dropped and mared, while my oldest and cheapest rifle looks new. Go figure.