Ozark Mountain Airgun Club Target Shoot

********EVENT CANCELED********

After much discussion, we have decided its best to hold off til spring for an outdoor event. The target shoot has been canceled. I left the targets posted in case anyone wants to use them. Ive also created some others that i will add to the google drive at some point.

Hopefully we can use the next couple of months to start making field targets thick enough for 25 caliber airguns.

Also for those in the area that we havent got to meet yet, or those that we have and would like to meet up on a smaller scale this winter for some general airgun fun, give Casey or myself a shout. You can reach either of us on here via pm. Or the discord channel (work in progress).


500 points total. 250 points available at 50 yards and 250 points available at 25 yards. 

50 yards will be a 25 shot bench rest competition. Standard 25 shot target. 250 available points. Time limit 30 minutes.


25 yards will be broken into 2 types. Shot at standing or kneeling position. With an element of risk to reward.

1st target (Kolecka style), shooter starts at top left and shoots once per circle. Goal is to hit the black dot for each circle. If shooter misses, the challenge is over and only the points earned prior to the miss are counted. 150 available points. Time limit 15 minutes


2nd target is a "Know your limits" type. Shooter starts at largest black dot and works their way to smallest. This one is where the risk:reward comes in. Shooter has the option to try for the next circle for more points, if prior target was hit, or can take whatever points earned and call quits. If at any point the shooter misses, NO points will be earned and the challenge is over, resulting in zero points for the challenge. 100 available points. (Edit: I added 4 more dots in order to bring the total 25 yard shot count up to 25 shots) Time limit 15 minutes.


I have also saved these targets to google drive and will make them available to anyone that would like to print them off to practice. The bench rest 50 yard target should be printed to A3 or ledger size paper. The two 25 yard targets should be printed to letter size. Here is link for downloading.



Kausvwj, I havent given any thought to slugs being banned. I would think at 50 yards or less, there would be no advantage for someone using slugs. Perhaps I am wrong. I could see an advantage over pellets at long ranges, 100+ yards. 

I do welcome any input others have, and have no problems making adjustments to the events if needed.
Great looking targets!

See you all there! Should be a great time for another Squirrel hunt if anyone wanted to go before the Target shoot began. I will most likely hit the woods that morning to see if I can stir a couple up for lunch.

I agree with Sam, slugs shouldn't have much of an advantage in the shorter range distances unless the wind is kicking!

Does anyone have any opinions on what the prizes should be? Another metal target? Paper Targets? Pocket knife? Pellets? Let us know so we can get something going before the date gets close. 

After some feedback, we have decided to cancel the December target shoot. Hard to predict the weather and it would be pretty close to 2 major holidays.

For those in the area, we would love to get together on a smaller scale for some airgun stuff, if anyone else is interested in the next few months til spring.

Also, Casey and I plan to start working on field targets. If theres anyone else interested in helping, we would greatly appreciate it.

Thanks, Sammy