FX Panthera Hunter Compact .22 tune

I can't seem to find a tune. I've watched Ted's Holdover video and matched his tune but fps isn't very consistent for me and his slug tune didn't work for my PHC. I am shooting at about 905 fps most of the time. 7 of 10 shots is near 905 fps +/- 1-2 fps with 3-4 shots that either falls short ~890fps or high of ~924 fps. Reg now sits at about 147 bar. Just looking for the next steps... I am shooting .22 JSB 18.13gr. I want it to be at least 900 fps. POI shifts at 890fps and at the higher 924 fps.

Forgot to mention, I've tested and turn down the reg to 110 bar, but then I would need to bring the hammer tension up which makes it a lot louder. I don't really like the loudness so I returned it to back to it was before. Maybe I just didn't find the tune for that reg pressure?