FX Panthera Reg Malfunction

My two cents....
Looks to me like a regulator rebuild is in order. It sounds like air is not passing trough the tiny holes in the regulator like it should. That may be due to contamination of the air (water) or the breakdown of some o-ring material, etc. Really an easy job with the right tools. You can get a kit from Bagnal and Kirkwood that has all the parts you need. There is also a very good video on Sub12Airgunners about rebuilding the FX regulators.

It is also not terribly expensive to call up Utah Airguns and have them send you a new regulator. That way you can rebuild the current one, learn a bunch, and have it as a spare in case something goes wrong in the future.


No air leaks overnight. Watched a few YouTube s last night and found that installing a Huma would be an easy fix . Have any of you done this on your Panthera?
I installed a Huma Reg on my Panthera recently. It is not a complicated procedure but there are things to consider. When you remove the trigger guard, be aware of the tiny spring and ball that is held captive by the trigger guard. I covered the spring with a piece of tape to assure that it didn't fly off to parts unknown.

One of the video's advised holding the rifle such that gravity would help to assure that the regulator body and piston would drop out together. This is great advice if the two parts do drop out together. However, if the piston stays in place, the washers will spill out all over the place - be careful.

I used a pair of very long nose needle nose pliers with a bit of tape on the jaws to remove the piston.

How low can you run the reg pressure for a. 25 and still be effective
There are a bunch of posts on this subject that you can access with the "search" button. Here is a brief summary.

What MV do want to achieve with your slug of choice? Assume 1,000 fps for this example.
Set the reg to 130 BAR and the Micro to 2.5
Chronograph a shot then increment the MIcro by 5 clicks.
Continue to repeat until further increase of the Micro does not result in an increase in MV.
Multiply the final MV by .97.
If this does not get you to 1,000 fps, reset the reg to 140 BAR and repeat the process.
If 150 BAR still does not get you to 1,000 fps, reset the reg to 160 BAR and repeat the process.

If you want, you can adjust the reg in 5 BAR increments instead of 10 bar increments.

Again, this is just the bare bones approach to finding the minimum effective reg pressure. The topic has been covered in greater detail in other posts.
