Every single car manufacturer out there for at least the last 20 years. Lots of little bits made to barely do the job by the cheapest supplier that will totally screw or confuse a computer, which tends to daisy chain to other systems not related. They can be hidden away where a knowledgeable tech with lots of experience would need a full 10+ hours to get to it and put everything back, with a book value of 15-20 hours. Problem is, most stealerships run on a seniority system with the techs, the senior techs take the good jobs(book value high, they can do it in way less time and knock 5-6 jobs out a day instead of 2-3). A friend of mine is a tech at hendrick's honda dealerships, he has been there long enough(30 years) so he generally books a minimum 80 hours a week and often much higher, and works about 35, I think his all time high was booking over 120 hours in a week, actually working less than 40. So you typically have the junior techs working on the problem childs until a manager may intervene. All for a 10 dollar part or worse yet, just a wiring connector that renders some system wonky but not dead because it gives computers random data that propagates and affects other unrelated systems. Very common with all manufacturer's. I know two people, one on a ford f350 just short of 3 years old and one with an audi 2 years old that the manufacturer's bought their vehicle back rather than fix it after months of being in the shop. They knew what was wrong with the ford, built on friday afternoon, a ton of substandard connections that finally deteriorated to the point you fix one another fails when something up or side stream is "fixed". Every single inch of wire would have to be pulled on the truck and replaced. The truck was crushed when they bought it back, too much money to do that on an assembled vehicle and replace the entire vehicle wiring, it would require entire truck being taken apart. The audi is out in the wild with nothing but a manufacture buy back on the vehicle title, anyone buys that one is screwed, after the first 9 or so months from new, it never didn't have a problem, many of them and getting worse every month. At least the ford guy didn't have to hire a lawyer, the audi guy had to get a lawyer.