Brocock/BRK Pathfinder XR vs. .22 rimfires…

The club I belong to, has a juniors program whereas kids and youngster are shown the basic, safe shooting fundamentals. Tonight, one young lady brought out some clay birds. She set them on the berm beyond the 100 yards target points. None of the fellow members believe that the Pathfinder being so small and quiet had ballistic impetus to be capable at that distance. Here was my chance to show off the gun. I missed the first few shots and thought what the heck? I was hitting low, pulled out the range finder, the clays were 112 yards away. 10 yards beyond my 102 yard, 19 MOA of holdover targets at home. Adjust my holdovers to 22-23 MOA and the hits were undeniable, even on fragments. Some eyes were opened tonight as to what BB guns can do… As I pulled into the club, the cargo truck for the company I work for was in the lot. My employer, whom I met through shooting was there sighting his center fire, turns out the lucky son of a gun, drew and elk tag out west. An interesting evening all around. He and his buddy were really impressed with the Pathfinder. Me? Heck yes still impressed and thrilled with its performance.

PS: The 112 yard shots with CPHPs🙀🤓🙈