The fees are really intended to go to the seller. Exactly the same as when you use a credit card at the store. The store pays a similar fee to the credit card company for each transaction...usually somewhere between 1.5-3%. And as the buyer, you don't see an additional fee on your receipt for this, but arguably it is rolled into the seller's overhead. Not sure why it has become so acceptably common here on AGN to just directly transfer this fee to the buyer.
Personally, I don't charge any additional paypal fee when selling things here. But to each their own...
A great policy for this forum regarding sales would be for the seller to add the fee to the final price straight out, no F&F.
That’s what I would figure, as soon as I see f&f or 3% pay pal, I lost interest already, unless it’s a really good deal, which I don’t see here very often. Then some say shipping on top of it. Just charge a realistic shipping price and the 3% in your asking price, so much easier, that way buyer knows exactly what the price is, so much easier and faster. xxx.xx tyd ( everything included) not xxx.xx tyd plus shipping and pay pal fee, that is NOT tyd,