Paypal No Longer Safe for Selling Airguns (Scammers Have Won)

Paypal, Zello, etc...... None of them care about protecting anyone. As long as money flows through their system, THEY are making money. The money going through gets invested. Don't think for a minute that they are in business to do the public justice. They benefit from chaos. When something goes wrong and a claim is filed, what happens? The money sits there and makes them $$. The goods in question, they could care less...... After 90 days they return the money to the crook (the company has more than doubled that money) and told the victim to "pound sand". This is why I NEVER EVER use these services for anything. If a private entity or business prefers to use Pp, I just move on.
How do you do a Feedback? I PM'd the Seller and thanked Him for what I purchased, but where is the "feedback" button? lol
May not be the technical terms, but in the banner of AN members.
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I can tell you ebay isn't safe either. All the buyer has to say is they didn't receive it or don't like it.

I had a seller send me a junk marauder and I sent it back. Even as a buyer, they screwed me. I paid 400 for it, and they only gave me 200 back because the seller said I had tampered with it.

I'm going through something similar right now with ebay. I sold one of my Krals and it's currently MIA in the mail. Buyer only had a PO box which wouldn't accept UPS packages. It got transfered to usps and disappeared. He's a repeat buyer so I don't think he's lying to me about not receiving it, but clock is ticking. If he doesn't get it within 30 days, they're going to refund him and charge me without consent. Then if it shows up, it's up to him to be a good person and remit payment.
Years back- lost $2500.00 to an auto parts company- paid in usps mo's- They did nothing to help. Few months later the company shut down taking a few others $$$. Use CC card backed whenever possible.

Paypal recoverd my funds from a sellers non delivery here. He looked to have good history. Read he later took another buyers funds sending a pc of wood instead of sending a prosport rifle.
There is no way to sell an air rifle using PayPal anymore. I sold an air rifle for $3500. The transaction was eligible for seller protection. I insured the package for $3000 and required a direct signature from the guy himself, Joseph. The package was delivered by UPS and signed for directly by Joseph himself with proof from UPS.

Joseph is a scammer and he already knew he was getting my gun for free. And he did. They have it figured out now. He actually claimed he never got the package. Even with all that proof, he got away with it. (I just gave some criminal a 9mm Full Auto Evanix Max for free.)

Don't sell a gun and accept payment through PayPal unless you are willing to lose it. As of January of this year PayPal changed their policy so they can do this to you. They did not get me because before they could charge me, I changed my bank account number. But now I have no PayPal account which I have had for 20 years.

If you really want to sell a gun sell it on ebay. Or you can do a buy/sell transaction through ebay it's just 12%. You can also accept a credit cards payment through ...not sure how that is protected now but I'm guessing Visa/Mastercard would not let a merchant get scammed.
@if you know his address couldn’t you have asked the local police in his city to investigate the situation. Its equivalent to theft
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So you got $3500 out of a used Evanix (wtf!!!) …. You say you GOT the money and then you shut everything down to keep PayPal from taking the money back and you are a victim?? You are out ZERO dollars and don’t care if your credit score takes a hit.
Something just doesn’t sound right.
I remember a guy that was selling (at top dollar) pellets during the Great Pellet Drought during covid that he got for free. Kind of took advantage of the situation and the people of the community during those lean times……
Hmm…Crazy how things go.
And people ask Me why I prefer Post Office Money Orders. The Problem is "immediate gratification". People expect everything "Now"! lol I have never been Burned with a Money Order.
100% correct!!!
Plus with the IRS watching all PayPal transactions's not worth it.
Sorry for your ordeal Nate. I never ship anything out until the pp transaction has processed and cleared into my account. I recently had a potential sale on some pellets go wonky. The pp wouldn't allow me to process to my account. Instead of being a good guy and shipping them out I refunded the money in a gracious manner and walked away. I hope you get the resolution your looking for. And may a spider lay a thousand eggs in Josephs ear tonight.
And people ask Me why I prefer Post Office Money Orders. The Problem is "immediate gratification". People expect everything "Now"! lol I have never been Burned with a Money Order.
Me too. I've probably lost some business by insisting on a USPS money order, but I've never been ripped off with a money order. I'm an old man, didn't grow up with a computer while in still in diapers.
I keep seeing posts about USPS MO’s being risky.
I have been using them for decades and they are the standard form of payment on a lot of PB forums with classifieds.
I have never heard of anyone being burned using them.
As I said members here have said they can be dicey but has anyone here actually been burned with a counterfeit USPS MO? Anything other than first hand account is rumor.
Like uglymike I won’t accept any other form of payment. PayPal is run by a bunch of anti 2A people and their rules show it. I have no need for them. There are other ways to do business that carry a lot less risk.
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I keep seeing posts about USPS MO’s being risky.
I have been using them for decades and they are the standard form of payment on a lot of PB forums with classifieds.
I have never heard of anyone being burned using them.
As I said members here have said they can be dicey but has anyone here actually been burned with a counterfeit USPS MO? Anything other than first hand account is rumor.
Like uglymike I won’t accept any other form of payment. PayPal is run by a bunch of anti 2A people and their rules show it. I have no need for them. There are other ways to do business that carry a lot less risk.
Amen Brutha! (y) Then is may also become a Federal Rap for tampering with Money Orders as well.
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Lots of info on USPS MO's here:

You can check to see if a MO # is valid and where it was issued.
" I requested that he email me a copy of his Drivers License"

I would deny that request. Lot of information on that little card that could cuase you no end of grief if used incorrectly. And Id tell you that if requested. Many other ways to verify the authenticity of some one. Sharing Drivers license info is not one of them
" I requested that he email me a copy of his Drivers License"

I would deny that request. Lot of information on that little card that could cuase you no end of grief if used incorrectly. And Id tell you that if requested. Many other ways to verify the authenticity of some one. Sharing Drivers license info is not one of them
Drivers license # stays with you for life in my state, can you say ID theft? I literally have a small piece of sticky tape on my DL to hide the DL#.