This would be considered the efficiency of the gun, I assume. My Avenge X 25 cal will get 50 good shots with a 25 grain pellet. Over those 50 shots the pressure will go from 300 to 150 bar for a 3 bar/shot air usage. Does sound about right? I’m sure that all guns are different with different valves and all but does having a good tune also translate to a more efficient system? I get a SD of 4 for those 50 shots at an Average velocity of 906 FPS. It seems that no matter how I tune things over velocities from, say 880 to 920 FPS, the SD is always right around 4. I’m seeing pretty good accuracy at 25 yards with the AEA 29.5 grain pellets (I didn’t chrony those but will at some point) and tomorrow I’m getting to the range to try some 50 yard work.