N/A PCP Air Usage

This would be considered the efficiency of the gun, I assume. My Avenge X 25 cal will get 50 good shots with a 25 grain pellet. Over those 50 shots the pressure will go from 300 to 150 bar for a 3 bar/shot air usage. Does sound about right? I’m sure that all guns are different with different valves and all but does having a good tune also translate to a more efficient system? I get a SD of 4 for those 50 shots at an Average velocity of 906 FPS. It seems that no matter how I tune things over velocities from, say 880 to 920 FPS, the SD is always right around 4. I’m seeing pretty good accuracy at 25 yards with the AEA 29.5 grain pellets (I didn’t chrony those but will at some point) and tomorrow I’m getting to the range to try some 50 yard work.

Bar per shot also highly depends on the volume of the tank/tube. Your tune sounds extremely efficient for the gun so I wouldn't focus too much on that. Looks like you are in the right track to very good results. I'm excited to see how those pellets perform. I hear really good things about the AEA pellets. Please let us know how they do at the 50 yard range.

OK! Sounds good. At 25 yards the AEA pellets were noticeably better than the JSB 25.4 grain pellets. I have a crummy shooting position at home so now I have the gun rigged up on my RFBR one piece rest to see how it will do. I'll bring along my little CS GX2 compressor to keep things filled up.

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Thanks!! I'll scope them out. Right now I shoot 22 RFBR but the ammo thing has gotten kind of ridiculous in terms of both cost and availability. Plus the range that I was shooting at decided to drop the ARA discipline so I have nowhere else here to go in Pittsburgh, PA to shoot that target. I might try some IS50 stuff at a range that is pretty close to home.

I bought the Avenge X to experiment with the platform to judge it against the RFBR gun I have. I don't think the comparison is fair but it sure looks like there are PCP's that are darn close or even bettering 22 RF in terms on the 50 yard shooting. At least with the slugs. The Avenge X is a good gateway drug for the PCP game!

Just affirming thammer’s comments about the efficiency.

The advertised reservoir volume is 210cc (12.85ci)…running the numbers, the efficiency calculates to 1.21 fpe/ci. For perspective, anything above 1.0 is generally regarded as decent and 1.5 is excellent so yours is right in the middle of a happy space.
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OK! Sounds good. At 25 yards the AEA pellets were noticeably better than the JSB 25.4 grain pellets. I have a crummy shooting position at home so now I have the gun rigged up on my RFBR one piece rest to see how it will do. I'll bring along my little CS GX2 compressor to keep things filled up.

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Damn that set up looks good. One of the best looking avengers I've seen. Great build.

If the rifle is in a happy space, then so am I! And I had calculated the same number. I probably should chrony the shots tomorrow to see just how things stack up with the AUE pellets. I have one of the Nate chrony units and at 25 yards, the addition of the chrony does not affect POI. That could change at 50 yards. I'll take the chrony with me.

Thanks for all of the comments and suggestions/tips! Much appreciated!


Thanks! That rear stock is an Ace/dDoublestar that I’ve had on different builds for years. The length is perfect for me. I can’t handle the rattling around on the M4 type adjustable stocks. The two I have are both screwed down tight where I need them. I made the rear bag rider.

The rest is a PQP lite model. Kind of almost cheating because the gun is sitting in an artillery cradle. The rimfire rifle has a 0.75 ounce trigger so I get things all lined up and then wait for right condition to touch off the shot. No other part of me is on the rifle But my trigger finger. You’d think that every shot would then be an X but noooooo!…..not that easy.

I really like the Saber Tactical stock. To me, the AV tactical stock with the tube looks clunky and the ST really streamlines the look.

I’ll post the results of the range time tomorrow. Should be essentially as close to a windless day as you can get.
