PCP Baffle Help

Just a note .. from my experience with factory shrouds n factory moderators... there is no need to re invent the wheel...the most quiet of all factory pcp at full power are the taipans .. deep cones shape baffles also work as air stripers stabilizing the pellet better...I would like a design like that for my coming in July prophet...there is the pic of the factory one..and the 3d printed ones..it looks like the length will fit the rti..

Thanks for sharing!

I'm waiting on a super strong material that should arrive next week. Then I'll test some of the designs I've seen, on this image, what are the separators with the measurements you have there?
Orion, I’ve been using your mags, very nice! I’m also interested in whatever comes of this! 


Thanks Scott!

My magazines are simple but at least personally those are the ones I use too. I like I can have more shots too...

I'll keep working on these baffles too, if I can quiet the .25 to the point I don't need the can on front the rifle that will be very nice
Just a note .. from my experience with factory shrouds n factory moderators... there is no need to re invent the wheel...the most quiet of all factory pcp at full power are the taipans .. deep cones shape baffles also work as air stripers stabilizing the pellet better...I would like a design like that for my coming in July prophet...there is the pic of the factory one..and the 3d printed ones..it looks like the length will fit the rti..

I agree and I’m looking for as simple and effective as possible. I have some great ideas now thanks to you guys. Much appreciated 
Are those baffles for the gun we both love?

Yes it is. I am using a 20” barrel with the performance shroud. So there is close to 6” from end of barrel to end of shroud. The diameter isn’t ideal but I am hoping to quiet it down enough to not use a bolt on. I do not like the look of guns with add on suppressor.

Me too, 20” barrel, long shroud. I just ordered some marauder baffles and will give that a shot, but I don’t really expect great results…..we shall see.


Scott - Curious if you know that the Marauder baffles will fit? Either way please let me know the results if you don’t mind.

I think this post will help you


BTB, thank you, I couldn’t remember that it was vetmx who had gone there already. Much appreciated. 
One of my Taipan VL .25 baffle cones was involved in a crushing incident (operator error, ME) and I replaced all of that after a well-known retailer asked for $80 for a replacement set.

A machinist buddy took Home Depot washers and got them concentric and a tight fit into the shroud. 1" aluminum tubing for spacers with a couple wraps of blue tape, DONE.

I can use the same components for adding to it and reversing the shroud. Very simple and just as effective, more maybe, than the stock components.


One of my Taipan VL .25 baffle cones was involved in a crushing incident (operator error, ME) and I replaced all of that after a well-known retailer asked for $80 for a replacement set.

A machinist buddy took Home Depot washers and got them concentric and a tight fit into the shroud. 1" aluminum tubing for spacers with a couple wraps of blue tape, DONE.

I can use the same components for adding to it and reversing the shroud. Very simple and just as effective, more maybe, than the stock components.


I have 3D printed baffles that are shaped just like this, just a simple cup with a hole and they work very well.
I can adapt my design to whatever dimensions you need and share the file if you have someone to print them. I started using these in the oem FX can and they are so much quieter than the expensive aftermarket suppressors, even on my 132 fpe .30 impact.


Thank you for the offer. The ID of my shroud is .80” Otherwise, I’d just scale the rest of the dimensions I assume? 

Thanks again!
and my testing begin...

here you see a cone that was based on the STL provided @BigTinBoat, thanks buddy! The design is mine, I just got the idea from the files you sent me. I added a few holes to the cone, my idea is restrict the amount of air that goes to the next "chamber" but start reducing that amount little by little... I don't know if that will work or not but I think it will help... I'll test with and without the holes...

The other two things you see there are two separators, I'm testing with one with a flat base that could be use as the first baffle too, I'm testing... I'll keep this post updated with my progress.

Ohh, I've received the super strong material and these are going to be printed with it... I remember I was playing once with PLA and after 3 shots the cones were ground meet inside my shroud LOL... I hope this will be strong enough now that I have that strong plastic.


