PCP compressor Filter

Read #35 & 36 to get an understanding of why pre filtering is not efficient and not worth the effort.
Regardless of what was said, I can tell you having a large pre-filter does work for the correct setup. I have no visible water vapor when I purge on my GX-E-5k1 using Silica Beads. Before i installed my pre-filter, I had moisture every time I purged. Being the compressor is very low rpm may have something to do giving enough dwell time for it to be effective. Your mileage may very.
In reading about the alpha filter from top air gun, and talking to Joe B, it seems that it’s important to blow the hoa air out of your filter as soon as you finish filling, otherwise the sieve just fills up with water…..
That's because his Alpha filter has a water trap and condensate drain built into it. Most of the basic tube filters housings don't have this feature.
Ever since I installed a pre filter with beads on the intake side I get zero moisture .
Simple solution
