PCP compressor water seperators

Where im at im sure I will need a additional filter of some kind my eyes are set on the copper colored one that says air inlet , air outlet, From what everything I seen online youtube an forums so far I think It will be the best buy and if I still have any moisture I will go for a big gold one an run it with 13x sieve I see on amazon 8x12 13x molecular sieve for around 25 dollars for 5 pounds so that will last a lifetime, At first I was set on just the sieve but some other users suggested the copper one https://www.ebay.com/itm/192985783901, Im waiting for it to get in stock on amazon it was in stock like a week ago I checked but its currently unavailable Im trying to save a buck an im no rush amazon has the an the best price on that unit I think its 122, on ebay its 125 so very close, Il settle with this one, I already have a blue moisture oil filter an I think I will fill that one with sieve I have left over from my hillpump, But right now im doing a little research trying to find out if its safe I heard folks talking about the sieve curroding the aluminum and I keep the molecular sieve touching the aluminum walls on mine , I dont know I heard some other guy on here saying it has no ph so it shouldnt cerode anything unless the sieves soaked up water an than water corrodes aluminum then maybe but you never let it get that wet anyway so I dont see the issue is the sieve is not corrosive, anyway that's research for me to do I need to make sure.
I just now returned this one to Amazon. The connection to the compressor is a male M10 1 thread male. Not a adaptor made that I can find to fit it. The connections on the bottle use a ball (cupped style) connector. Not sure you can even get those made anywhere, I want to like this one but never could try it. Maybe someone here can prove me wrong.
For those still wondering which type of filter is most effective I recommend you look for the "Target Forge" youtube where he tests a Yong Heng and a CX2 compressor with different filters. He sent the air out for lab analysis. He states that the filter recommended by "igolfat8" was ineffective and molecular sieve works well. That result is consistent with my observations but I am open to any conflicting data.

With respect to the little cotton filters I replace mine after every tank fill. I bought 100 or so from aliexpress cheaply and they catch oil as well as moisture. So it seems appropriate to just put in a new one. I use this as my "first line of defense" with color changing dessicant beads as the next and final defense. I find no signs of moisture in my guns.
Both of these (the ones in your links) are a waste of money. Not sure how much plainer I can state it. I’ve got both and would never buy a molecular sieve again, period!

I also have that filter or a similar one. It works great, very dry air. I have a second small filter with the cotton flocking at the gun/Foster end but I never see any moisture there.
For those still wondering which type of filter is most effective I recommend you look for the "Target Forge" youtube where he tests a Yong Heng and a CX2 compressor with different filters. He sent the air out for lab analysis. He states that the filter recommended by "igolfat8" was ineffective and molecular sieve works well. That result is consistent with my observations but I am open to any conflicting data.
Knowing I'm quoting a year old post, I felt the need to reply. The copper coalescing filter DOES work. However Target Forge found that the GX Pumps had too little output to make them work. A Yong Heng (clone) has enough output for it to separate oil and moisture. I have one myself and it really gets a lot of moisture from the compressed air. That did get passed through the built in water separator.
It needs at least 100 bars (guess) too work. If I vent the copper filter on lower pressure, filling an empty bottle, no moisture comes out. Above that, it absolutely works on my Yong Heng clone.