PCP fitting for my oxy tank

Can any one give advice or help on what PCP fitting/attachment I need for this Oxy bottle in the photo?
It is for an air arms s410

While I have not looked for one, I've never seen such a fitting, and I think it is because almost all O2 tanks are rated for a max fill of 2000 psi. Verify how high your tank can go before you sink any money in fittings.

Also, the consequences for accidentally filling an air gun with O2 could be very bad, so not many companies will mess with it due to that issue . . . too risky for them.
1. Show a picture of the stamped markings on the tank so we can see the pressure rating.
2. That valve is a DIN 200 (3000psi). Also referred to as a 5 thread DIN in the scuba biz.
3. Your S410’s max fill pressure is 2900psi. If the tank is a 2000psi tank you will never get a full fill. If the tank is 3000psi, that would be better, you may get one or two full fills, maybe more, but then the rest of fills will be less than 2900psi. You’ll get a lot of shots though even with incomplete fills.

The photo of tank markings will help.