PCP Photo Thread, Anyone?

AAA Evol 30


Nice! I must have a dozen of those De Walt fold up tables...now I know what to do with at least one of them.

That Dewalt bench pictured is a multipurpose table lol. It serves as a work bench for my airguns and I also use it to do quick sight in/zero for my airguns. For serious target shooting, I use a different shooting bench that I built. It's a lot heavier but super stable. 



I had to laugh at the word "stable" mentioned in the same breath as those De Walt tables...LOL

Nice setup.
Nothing to fancy but I'm hopeful to change that one day, really got my sights on a Taipan or Uragan but until then..my TalonP and my Ataman AP16 that I won!

Absolutely NOTHING wrong with those guns! Deadly for rats and more. I had a TalonSS.177 and it was incredibly accurate and a high shot count with the Altaros regulator. Swapped her out but the new owner is having a blast with it.