🔴⁍ PCP Pistol Specs Table ⁌

🔴 ⁍ PCP Pistol Specs Table ⁌​

Well, we airgunners seem to live in an unprecedent time of advancement of our hobby/ sport/ passion/ obsession. 😎

Exciting stuff like:
● Semi-automatic pistols
● 20 to 30FPE in .22cal
● 20 to 38FPE in .25cal
● 11" short (28cm)

I took the time to survey half a dozen current PCP pistols out there that seem interesting to me and assemble their specs into a table (.22 and .25cal).
🤯 Please don't stone me if I haven't yet included your favorite model, OK?

Included in the side-by-side Specs Table are items like:
▪︎ price
▪︎ OAL and barrel length
▪︎ power and shot count at different power settings (if I could find that kind of data)
▪︎ tank volume and max. pressure
▪︎ regulated or not
▪︎ weight
▪︎ silencer thread?
▪︎ cocking (left or right?) and safety (where?)
▪︎ etc.

Note: The table is at the end of the document. At the beginning you find two pages of references where I culled my info from, with some more details that didn't fit into the table.

Don't blame me for buying another gun, OK? 😎
I won't if you buy one. There's some really cool stuff out there, and I just met a contact that could bring me a Tequila pistol directly from Mexico....! 🤫

❌ Attachment:
PCP Pistol Specs Table

View attachment Pistol Specs Table. 2023-05.pdf

🔴 ⁍ PCP Pistol Specs Table ⁌​

Well, we airgunners seem to live in an unprecedent time of advancement of our hobby/ sport/ passion/ obsession. 😎

Exciting stuff like:
● Semi-automatic pistols
● 20 to 30FPE in .22cal
● 20 to 38FPE in .25cal
● 11" short (28cm)

I took the time to survey half a dozen current PCP pistols out there that seem interesting to me and assemble their specs into a table (.22 and .25cal).
🤯 Please don't stone me if I haven't yet included your favorite model, OK?

Included in the side-by-side Specs Table are items like:
▪︎ price
▪︎ OAL and barrel length
▪︎ power and shot count at different power settings (if I could find that kind of data)
▪︎ tank volume and max. pressure
▪︎ regulated or not
▪︎ weight
▪︎ silencer thread?
▪︎ cocking (left or right?) and safety (where?)
▪︎ etc.

Note: The table is at the end of the document. At the beginning you find two pages of references where I culled my info from, with some more details that didn't fit into the table.

Don't blame me for buying another gun, OK? 😎
I won't if you buy one. There's some really cool stuff out there, and I just met a contact that could bring me a Tequila pistol directly from Mexico....! 🤫

❌ Attachment:
PCP Pistol Specs Table

View attachment 363735
anyone trying out the tequila gun? being new sure would be nice to see how it preformed over a couple tins of pellets.. I haven't heard the cost yet either..
anyone trying out the tequila gun? being new sure would be nice to see how it preformed over a couple tins of pellets.. I haven't heard the cost yet either..
I got the chance to shoot a preproduction unit, months back.
Much like the AP16 in some respects. But, since that time, it's gone through many...positive changes, to probably make it a much different gun than the one that I shot.
It's really nice that the Government grip design was used, both for comfort and for those that may decide to change the grip panels.

It will be a very solid gun, hopefully it will live up to the work that's been put into it.

It is in production, I hope be ready in 3 weeks.
you must be the gunsmith making and designing the tequila gun.. thanks for joining in.. please keep me updated and any dimensions and weight would be great.. I forgot but I think you were doing magazine fed, but I don't remember what it was going to be like..
thank you
I got the chance to shoot a preproduction unit, months back.
Much like the AP16 in some respects. But, since that time, it's gone through many...positive changes, to probably make it a much different gun than the one that I shot.
It's really nice that the Government grip design was used, both for comfort and for those that may decide to change the grip panels.

It will be a very solid gun, hopefully it will live up to the work that's been put into it.

I can only imagine how much work went into it.. actually it's probably going to take quite a few just to end up even without a profit to cover all the design and prototype work.. I hope he sells a lot of them in the USA since dollar to pesos hopefully will get him along farther for all of his work.. I was following you and him back when you were testing it and we had a couple conversations but I don't get around the internet well and I lost the thread and couldn't find it again..
thank you for your reply 😊
you must be the gunsmith making and designing the tequila gun.. thanks for joining in.. please keep me updated and any dimensions and weight would be great.. I forgot but I think you were doing magazine fed, but I don't remember what it was going to be like..
thank you
also if you have any pictures would be great to see.. or links to information and pictures and how to order 😊
thanks again
also if you have any pictures would be great to see.. or links to information and pictures and how to order 😊
thanks again
Your data is correct.
This is the magazine, is fully made of 304 stainless steel. The foto is showing a 0.30 caliber
Currently I am working in stabling the company in Brownsville Tx. As soon as be ready I will share with the community the final product and will be the way to buy one.


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