Sometime this year*eyeballs my bday in calendar* I want to take the smallest step/plunge into the rabbit hole of pcp airguns.🤪 Enough research tells me that a pistol amd a handpump would be my best starting point.
Now ive run across what should I get to pump up?
*None of the rifles I wanted are in stock/out of my expected price range.*
So I've come down to thinking it will be either of these(or any other sub $200 that you all would know of that would be a good intro to pcp pistol)....thoughts and whatnot greatly appreciated


If you can afford a bit more, the pp700 is HIGHLY recommended.

I own one bandit and pp800 (the same gun basically). While decent guns, they have wild power fluctuations. And the grips are very large in wood and rather small in synthetic. I fixed the wood grips on mine

Other option would be a 2240 or 2250 with a hipac conversion. But the overall performance of pp700 is very hard to beat, and it is regulated, and has a very decent shot count
@Long_Gun_Dallas has a very good recommendation. That is a fantastic price for a regulated pistol. Will be easy to hand pump. I would recommend purchasing a .177 - more shots per fill and flatter trajectory.
How different of shot count? Really want the .22🤔is there a magazine for it?
No, it's single shot. Likely get 30 percent more shots with 177. You'd still get plenty with 22.

Ill be honest, I have a bunch of mag fed guns, and while it can be fun, I almost never use the magazines
Good to know🤙 now the question that's really itching my brain; how long would it take to hand pump one of these?

or this would be my recommendation. Wes will tune it to suit you. These are regulated and super easy to hand pump.

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Also the pp700 has nearly double the air capacity as a regulated pp800. The 700 even has more capacity than an unregulated pp800. The regulator takes up valuable area inside the air tube, and quite a large bit, at that. The regulator on the 700 is built into the receiver block, not the air tube.

Below is what a regulator looks like in the pp800. The valve body on the far left normally has a small end cap. Here the plenum and regulator replace it, taking up almost half of the 50cc air tube. The pp700 has 70cc's of volume in the air tube, and the regulator takes up none of the space in it.
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Also the pp700 has nearly double the air capacity as a regulated pp800. The 700 even has more capacity than an unregulated pp800. The regulator takes up valuable area inside the air tube, and quite a large bit, at that. The regulator on the 700 is built into the receiver block, not the air tube.

Below is what a regulator looks like in the pp800. The valve body on the far left normally has a small end cap. Here the plenum and regulator replace it, taking up almost half of the 50cc air tube. The pp700 has 70cc's of volume in the air tube, and the regulator takes up none of the space in it.
View attachment 322301
Soooo 700 has most "air"?

*complete pcp noob here*
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Double the amount of unregulated air, and roughly the same power level as a regulated pp800.

Regulator controls the pressure at which the gun operates, so it is typically much more accurate and predictable. And you tend to get more shots like this. *so long as the regulator isn't taking up a huge amount of space inside the air reservoir* like with the pp800.

Pp800's originally weren't regulated. Just look up airgun regulators and you'll see various photos of them. They're various shapes and sizes, but most are pretty similar in design and function. And most need a plenum as well. A plenum is just an area where regulated air can be stored so that there is enough that the gun can produce adequate power. High pressure air goes into the reg from the reservoir and then gets stored as lower pressure air in the plenum. If the space for regulated air to be stored (plenum) is too small, the gun might not make enough power. But since the pp800 was never designed for any of this and it was an after-though, it's pretty poorly implemented.

Now, one of mine is regulated, but I deleted the plenum and did some custom work to the valve body to make it work. The regulator in my 800 takes up very little space in the tube. But it's custom. What I did to make it work like that is not really beginner stuff.

And mine still holds about 40 percent less air than a 700 and makes less power
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Agreed, the PP700S-A is a very nice gun, especially for its cost. Though it's a single shot, that's not a problem once you start shooting and hitting those bulls eyes ! Easy to shoot, very reliable, few parts, so in the unlikely occasion of it needing repair, it's pretty simple and parts are available.
Mines got an older Sig Sauer red dot sight, and a 0DB suppressor on it.


Agreed, the PP700S-A is a very nice gun, especially for its cost. Though it's a single shot, that's not a problem once you start shooting and hitting those bulls eyes ! Easy to shoot, very reliable, few parts, so in the unlikely occasion of it needing repair, it's pretty simple and parts are available.
Mines got an older Sig Sauer red dot sight, and a 0DB suppressor on it.

View attachment 322354

I like that ALOT!😳🤯 where did you get the can for the end?
From what I gather the grip is also quite normal on the 700 where neither of the 800 grips fit anyone right unless you have humongous hands or tiny hands (for synthetic stock)
Oof; I have Large hands🤣 but I've handled enough grips that none are unusable for me.
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Oof; I have Large hands🤣 but I've handled enough grips that none are unusable for me.
I wear a 3x motorcycle glove if that's big enough. While not a "perfect" fit, it's more than good enough for what it's for. My hand is not...cramped like it is with MANY other guns !

I can't sell most of my guns ! I most always modify the grips to So yeah, it makes them sort of unfit to sell to others.

As noted, I assume that you mean the muffler, a 0DB (zero DB) on the end of the barrel ? Actually, don't recall where I bought it. I do know that's from a normal shop here in the US.

Just a hint though...the Huma (Mod30mm or Mod40mm) suppressors are a VERY good choice for sound reduction. Plus, they are adjustable. They are made in sections, and can be made longer OR you like. I'm slowly switching most of my guns over to the Huma brand.

I don't recall where I bought the adapter either. It's either from where I bought the gun -

Or possibly DonnyFL .

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I like them all,The Snowpeak 700 is more industrial and was the rage years ago,The Bandit is fun, just as accurate for me and I did get the carm mags for it.
I am going to customize my Bandit,there are many ways to do it.

I also have the Snowpeak 750, which also is accurate, Snowpeak air guns have for the most part funky the question is for your money,Bandit,700 or 750...
I hand-pump every PCP...I have a good hand pump, many people are happy with their cheap ones,.... takes me more than 2 minutes to pump,IT Takes between 80 to 100 pumps for me...
I think I like my Bandit more ,maybe because I never had Tinker toys.Uh,but if I could only have one =700 would be you see I can't make up my mind.
I f you what the best PCP pistol for the money it is a Crosman 1701...lot of shots and very accurate and needs No work...
I always pick .22 because I have large hands and fat fingers,little .177 are like picking up slippery soap....
I always buy from Wes , up in Canada,great seller !!