Pellet question

When ordering from non-airgun related sources, they don't usually go through the pains of packaging that helps prevent your pellets from damage i.e. the Amazon website. I've done this in the past. When opening the pellet tins, a lot of the pellets were out-of-round (is the best way I can describe it) i.e. the skirts were a little bent or otherwise out of shape. I see a lot of flyers when shooting pellets like this. As a rule, slugs don't have a skirt, so flyers don't usually happen.

Any suggestions on how to get them round again, or back in the original shape? I've tried to use another pellet, or the end of a metal pen case with limited success. It's hard to push into the skirt section with out putting the pellet into a holder, but finding a holder (I usually just use a magazine) has proven difficult at best.

Skirts tend to open up and shoot straight anyway, have you shot them to confirm this is worth fixing? As in, do ten perfectly clean pellets shoot a better group than ten damaged ones?

No I haven't done that yet. I'll do that the next time I go shooting. I'll have to intentionally damage pellets. Hopefully it won't skew the results. Thanks for the suggestion.
Skirts normally flare back out when the air hits them. There are multiple youtube videos showing they often shoot the same as pristine looking pellets. The head of the pellet is much more important.

Last summer I shot several 30 yard challenge targets with my P35-22 using pellets from a damaged tin Amazon sent me and using pellets from Pyramyd that arrived in great shape. I did not see pellet damage in the Amazon pellets even though the tin was clearly damaged. There was no difference in my scores. The "damaged tin" pellets from Amazon shot just as well.

I think we deserve to get good looking tins but when it doesn't happen I shoot some before deciding the pellets are "bad".
I’m a bit confused, do you have damaged pellets ?
Maybe damaged is too strong a word, disformed, or malformed may be better. Here's an example

Thanks iFish I bought one of the Amazon sizers. If it seems to help I'll get other calibers. I don't need it for damaged pellets but I am planning to add it to my sorting routine to see if I can pick up a few points on targets. It seems credible that even pellets that look fine are a little different and might shoot very slightly differently.

I would not try to semi seriously target shoot with pellets like you posted, even after putting through a die but for a lot of purposes I think they will work.
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Just an FYI as I'm assuming they are JSB pellets however I have ordered plenty of JSBs and there various rebranded ones and have had many issues with bent skirts on even the best packaged pellets from PA, UA and Trenier. Even in great condition tins I've had some where I'd say at least 150 of the 500 were badly bent skirts. Generally it's much lower percentage but just saying they can have problems regardless of who they are bought from pr how the packaging or tins are.
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