Pellet Shortage?

SCP52, I wish I had a space to organize pellets. That makes my OCD very happy.

On the other hand, I have to resort to a cardboard box.


Mostly .457 slugs, JSB .22 variety, JSB and H&N .30, a sleeve of FX .22 slugs, and a random selection of tins for testing. 
If you live in one of the 6 states (39 stores in 6 states including Minnesota, South Dakota, North Dakota, Montana, New York and New Hampshire) that has a store called Runnings, stop in and wander around some. It's not just a farm store, they have pretty large sporting goods sections including air guns and pellets. 

There's one about 20 miles from where I live and I stop fairly regular to see what they might have. They were fairly well stocked with at least Crosman CPUM, CPHP and some others when I wandered through yesterday.