Pellet Suggestions for FWB124


May 8, 2015
Texas, United States
I have had this gun for a while-mostly use it to fit stocks to but got it in a trade with a customer years ago for some custom work. It is fully tuned and shoots like a dream! I have experimented with a few different brands/weights of pellets but going to loan this one to the father-in-law for some pest control so wanted some feedback from a few of you guys that have more experience with these than I do from a performance standpoint. Hits hard and is very accurate but squirrels are the problem and will need a good pellet for killing power that won't change the accuracy too much-been using JSB 8.4's




Thanks for the input guys and figured as much but thought I would ask anyway. Guess will see if the father-in-law can hit anything!

I've got the FWB Sport .177 and had the earlier one in 1988.

I've found the current one isn't what I had in 1988 but it shoots heavy Crossman Premiers 10.5gr from the "old times" but now they are TOO tight to put into the FWB Sport; so I use all the other .177's I have on hand for it with good result. These are Air Arms light pellets, all lead pellets up to 10.33 gr in the Kaiser Sovereign.

Crossman has changed the diameter of their boxed (1250 rounds) and canned rounds to the larger diameter according to my "feel" in the FWB Sport I got some years back after the old FWB .177 everyone thinks is "better" than the "new" $800 model. But no. This model lately is way more accurate and much faster than the old, but being FWB 124 in model for the recent SPORT .177 it is a real desirable rifle in my opinion to learn from. Lock time or pellet dwelling time is much less at firing than most if not all other air rifles--similar to my Theoben .25 Eliminator. It takes a LOT of pellets of any kind to "figure" out how to fire a spring air gun rifle like the FWB Sport introduced AFTER the old 80s and 90 ones. Lock time is so fast it messes up my shots offhand just like my own Theoben Eliminator .25 from England in 1999.

The pellets the FWB Sport can shoot are any, but when Crossman increased the diameter of their 10.5gr pellets in any front design my tight choked and chambered FWB rebelled against them.

But put in an Air Arms LIGHT pellet around 7 grains (or HN LIGHT .177 FT) it is always on target.

I prefer shooting the Rekord Trigger over the Theoben Gas Ram or FWB Sport (as it is listed today). The HW trigger is more consistent.

So is the D54 rail gun.
I bought my 124D in 1974, and honestly have not found anything that does not shoot well in it. When I bought it accuracy was listed as something like 0.06"ctc at 10 meters, now I am happy if I get 3/8" groups. I tend to use the wadcutter types for closer target shooting and either pointed or domed for distance shooting and have never had any problem hitting whatever I shoot at.
I just put a 124 barrel on my HW100, which of course is a PCP. 

That said, and taking the "springer-ness" variable out of it, it's really not pellet picky that I can tell. 

It shoots all weights of JSBs very well, and Crosman Premier Lites almost as well. 

The 8.4gr JSBs are what I've settled on because thats the weight I prefer for my power settings.

Here's 14 shots, a full mag: