FX Pellet vs slugs


Aug 13, 2024
I've been reading the differences of each and I'm curious about real experiences in performance and results.
In .22 and in .25 impacts, what are your favorites of each?

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My .25 m3 impact shot both weights of JSB pellets good. For slugs I use the 1:16 twist heavy slug liner and 38 gr. H&N heavy slugs. They shoot between .250 and .500 at 50 yds. In the .22 impact M3 18 gr. JSB shot very good. For slugs I use the 1:16 heavy liner with 34 gr. H&N heavy slugs. About the same accuracy averages as the .25 impact with slugs. I have been using the panthera .22 for most of my long range slug shooting 100+ yds this year. So I dont have a bunch of 100+ yd shots with the impacts and slugs yet but so far they have performed on the ground squirrels for the shots I did use them on.
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My .25 m3 impact shot both weights of JSB pellets good. For slugs I use the 1:16 twist heavy slug liner and 38 gr. H&N heavy slugs. They shoot between .250 and .500 at 50 yds. In the .22 impact M3 18 gr. JSB shot very good. For slugs I use the 1:16 heavy liner with 34 gr. H&N heavy slugs. About the same accuracy averages as the .25 impact with slugs. I have been using the panthera .22 for most of my long range slug shooting 100+ yds this year. So I dont have a bunch of 100+ yd shots with the impacts and slugs yet but so far they have performed on the ground squirrels for the shots I did use them on.
Thanks for sharing! There's a small group of guys like you that share real results. I appreciate it.
I'm shooting some fx 34 gr pellets now at low setting to get as many shots as possible of a single fill. It's stacking really good at low velocity.
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I’ve saved myself a lot of headaches and just stuck with pellets. Slugs are challenging. What little I have messed with them I could find a setting they shot really good on then the next day they didn’t. I’ll just shoot slug shaped projectiles out of my PBs.
I know people have different experiences but I just pulled my .25 Impact M3 out to shoot yesterday along with most of my airguns. I had to dust the Impact off its been so long since shooting it. I couldnt tell you the last time I shot it. The M3 stuck them all in one hole with the H&N slugs I listed in my earlier post. I even knocked it over on my hard laminate floor 2 or 3 times in the last week as I was moving things around my gun room. I have 3 slug guns 2 are impact M3 and one is a panthera and none of them have been a headache.
This topic is going to be very use case dependent, but here are my favs for hunting pests:

22Cal Pellets- Hades/Atomics, JSB 18.13g/FX Version, H&N 21g. There are probably others I would like but havent tested yet.
22Cal Slugs- FX Hybrids are good for expansion, Nielsen 17.5g are good for more penetration and mild expansion.

25Cal Pellets- Hades/Atomics, JSB/FX 33.95g. Buddy really likes the H&N Hunter Extremes.
25Cal Slugs- Nielsen any weight in the mid 30s, but the 34.9g has a great BC for a mid weight slug so its my choice.

I have used all of these on pests and I am very picky about hunting performance.
The whole slug craze? Woof! Pellets “git it done” at practical ranges” sub 70 yards. Slugs gain marginal performance for the majority, and are simply a solution in search of a problem for most shooters … If I have room to send da “viscous slugs”.? I’ll simply send CB Caps or Minis, or grasp! .22 short rimfires… I effed up a lot of pigeons with CCI CB Caps…🙏 Loopy trajectory, but mucho displacement…
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