I'm trying to understand what best would suit your shooting needs....
Shooting range minimum = 25 yards? (1) Then you aren't limited by getting a 10 yards minimum parallax, which gives you many more options.
But are you sure about only shooting at a min. of 25y?
(2) Such a "far minimum range" means you do not need a very wide field of view (FoV), meaning that a 3x magnification at the bottom end seems more than necessary. A wide FoV at the bottom end is hard to get if you also want a high magnification at the top end for your 100 yard shots....
If 25y is the closest range you'll use this when stalk hunting, then
a FoV in the mid 20's would probably be fine (the specs would state: "FoV at 100y = 25ft"). Many scopes with a
5x and even
6x magnification on the bottom end will give you that. Most with
4x will.
Shooting range max. 100 yards? I assume the 100 yards are rested shots? Then I would
at least go for a 16x or 18x magnification on the top end. 24x is nicer, but you might not be able to hold the gun still enough, unless your gun is fully rested.
FFP or SFP? You said you prefer to dial the turrets, so SFP would be just fine for that. No need to limit yourself to FFP.
And you can avoid the problem that some FFP reticle have, where the lines that are too thin at low magnifications (it helps alot if they have thick outside posts, though!

Reticle: Gridded or not? Sorry, I did not understand if you wanted a grid style reticle, or not....
Light Weight
Zero Stop or Lockable Turrets Once you are sure what specs you need, and which specs are more important than others, you can start comparing models.
Find attached below two
Scope Specs Tables that make these comparisons easy.
All scopes in those tables:
▪have 10y side parallax
▪are around $500 or less
▪have a holdoff reticle (and those with a gridded reticle are marked)
▪have exposed turrets for us turret dialers
Happy scope shopping!

Attachment: Scopes 3-18x | 4-16x View attachment SCOPE SPECS TABLE. For 4-14x 3-18x, 4-16x Magnification. 076. 2020-11. TABLE.1612136016.pdf
Attachment: Scopes 6-24x | 5-20x | 5-30x | 6-20x View attachment SCOPE SPECS TABLE. For 6-20x 6-24x, 5-20x, 5-30x Magnification. 118. 2020-11. TABLE.1612136031.pdf