"Pink Kitty" back from repair, at the range


Went to the range today with my Impact, back from repair. Zero wind for once, so I had one less excuse for totally sucking. I was pushing, and pulling shots all morning.

I absolutly need a bag rider for my K&L butt plate, and I definately need to sort out the first stage on my trigger. I actually shot better groups with my buddies Brocock Bantam .22 today.

My Impact seems to be laser accurate now, but I won't know for sure until I sort out the yrigger. It has a 15fps extreme spread, and a SD of 5 running at 920 fps. I'll be curious to see how well the JSB 33.95's behave in the wind at that velocity, it's much hotter than I have shot them before.

The new style Huma regulator gave me a scare yesterday. After each shot I get a whooshing noise under my ear. The first gen Huma was quiet. A weird thing is that when I'm tethering the noise isnt nearly as pronounced. I have 1200 pellets thru it since I got the rifle back Wednesday, so I'm pretty sure the Huma must be broken in. But I was wrong that one time before, so we'll see ;)

I also have added a K&L adjustable cheek piece. It's a little problematic because of the low rings I'm using right now, but that will be remedied once my EagleVision adjustable rings get here from Europe.

If, and it's a big if, I can start achieving the accuracy I did on the Crown, and if I dont break it again (big big if), I think I'll be adding a couple 580cc bottles to replace the 480's I'm using now, and replace the pic rail extender I'm using now with a sexy K&L one.

I'd also very much like to find different paddles for my K&L butt piece, something wider, and padded would be great.

I'm not sure what else I will do to it. Custom cerakote? Different caliber? Slug liner?

Then again, if it turns out I can't learn to shoot a bullpup to my expectations, then a FX Crown Continum will be in my future sooner than I anticipated.

I recieved an email from Steve Allen in England today, he just shipped my barrel mount thingy for the FX Chrony. Hopefully that will iron out some of the weird numbers I get from it.
YAY!!! Glad your impact is back in action!

Now what's this whooshing sound from the Huma? Is it like the sound of the plenum recharging through the reg or something? If so, by AMP does something similar, but probably not as noticeable as you're describing! 

Also, what reg pressure is yours set at?

I do have the larger plenum tube now as well.
