Ok, here they are. And as you may have noticed, I am very found of wood…. Except from the custom ranchero - that one suits the black stock finish best I think. And by the way, the wooden ranchero stock you look at here are a S. Corcoran product.
Just got back into the airgun world about a year ago, I am doing pretty good so far. Below is what I have accumulated so far with a Beeman P1 .20 cal on its way.
"I shouldn’t be looking at this. Crow" Might be too late, Crow!
Walnutitis can be contagious; but afflicts only those with highly-developed senses of aesthetics. Plastic people are immune. Matter of fact, a universal side-effect in those infected with serious cases of walnutitis is developing equally serious allergies to PLASTIC.
The only treatment for walnutitis is ever-increasing doses of WALNUT!