Pitbull AKC at 100 yards and 50 yards at the range

I'm going to send my old bore scope so we can be sure things are OK. It's a Teslong NTG-100 which is USB to a phone or computer.

If they cut a new crown, it might look almost flat, they may have done an 11 degree target crown and pulled it all the way out to the edge of the barrel.

If for some reason you decide on a third party barrel, I'd probably go with a TJ's hammer forged barrel, and I'd probably go several inches longer like 32. The extra length will give a small boost in power with the air you are flowing.
This .357 ammo thing seems to be popping up a lot lately.

Finding the right pill can be costly if you are only looking at the "Airgun" dealers.

I'm gonna put in another plug for GT bullets. This isn't a ***** thing, I just think they offer a good product at a fair price.

GT 160 grain HP- $66 for 500

ARC 160 grain HP- $275 for 400

When I first got my Texan I ordered 100 counts of all the bullets between the 130-165 grain. I also ordered the 380ACP sized to .358.

I was kinda surprised after shooting them all, but the best performer by a good margin was the full wadcutter (sub-MOA). The semi wadcutter with and without hollowpoint shot about 1.25MOA.

In another post Greg_E pointed out that GT says they will do custom alloys for airguns. It might be worth it to see if you can get some samplers done in 40-1 alloy.

I have talked to him and his wife and they seem to be very dedicated to providing a solid product to their customers, plus I have always liked supporting people who run a small bussiness.

Alloy information : GT Bullets!, Fine Hand Cast Lead Bullets

38 Caliber : GT Bullets!, Fine Hand Cast Lead Bullets
I'm pretty sure GT can offer lubed and sized, drop them an email and see. At those prices I might stop casting for myself because it looks like they are pretty reasonable.

That said, not all firearms lubes work in airguns, some require the heat. It would be an experiment to figure out what works and what doesn't. I made a thread trying to find out, only thing that others have suggested is a pure silicone oil. I think the Alox like stuff I bought might be OK, but still untested. Planning on casting some hollow points tomorrow, I can send some that are lubed if you want to try them, I'll probably lube a few and powder coat the rest.
He offers his bullets as cast, sized, and sized and lubed.

Sized and lubed is run through a lubasizer with the lube groove filled with solid wax based lube. It wont do much in an airgun since there is no heat to melt it.

He uses lanolin for his sized only bullets. There will be a light coating left after the process. I have been shooting them out of the box with no added lube and haven't had any leading issues after about 1200 shots. I ordered the bullets in his pistol alloy which is a bit harder than 40-1, so that may have some affect on leading properties as well. Like Greg said you could try adding other tumble lubes or silicon if you wanted to experiment.

I like getting the thou over bullets since airguns don't have the high pressures to seal the bore like powder burners do. I ordered all .358 bullets for my .357 Texan.

The 35Cal airgun ammo thing seems a bit vague. Is it for 9mm/.355 barrels, .357 pistol barrels or .358 rifle barrels.

I know the JSB 35cal pellets are the worst projectile out of my Texan, my guess is they are sized for 9mm barrels.

I had the same accuracy issues with my pitbull custom build, and this is what i found: 

First, I noticed some pellets clipping


then removed the shroud to check the supports and found that the three supports were not spaced as it should


After barrel supports relocation my accuracy was improved but definitely my bulldog doesn't likes 142gr .357 only likes 160gr .358 slugs, now i am waiting some .358 for testing

Too bad I shot the 25 you sent me doing chronograph testing only. :(

I have another hundred almost ready to ship, just want to cast some of the hollow point version and see where they end up, they might come out closer to 135 grains. Probably going to cast those tomorrow.

That said, I think a round nose design is going to be best for accuracy.

You may want to pull the shroud off and check the supports, I put a wrap of cloth tape around my barrel at each point to keep them in place. Mine are evenly spaced.
Funny, Greg_E and Capt_MJ brought up the barrel support spacing. That is something I was wondering too.

I think I will take a few shots and evaluate accuracy after cleaning before trying to remove the shroud. The way the threaded adapter is mounted on the front end of the gun, I think I need to depressurize it first, because the airbow looks like it might be blocking a screw that holds the adapter on.

Capt_MJ, how tight of a fit are those adapters? Could they slide around in shipping, for example?
Mine did not say to glue them and they never really migrated. I only taped them to help with sliding the shroud back on.

BD2021, you should be able to remove the one screw at the back of the shroud and slide the entire thing off, the barrel just friction fits into the moderator, assuming you have a Pitbull moderator. If not then a screw on still does not attach directly to the barrel (I think), it attaches to the end of the shroud.