Pkg held up in customs in Kentucky HELP

To close the loop on my Krale gun order saga, the gun was delivered to me yesterday.

Maybe that little kick in the pants to UPS helped? It was released from Customs the same afternoon I had received the message that the package had been sent to CBP. Hopefully the CBP folks just knew what they were doing and said to UPS "Why are you fools sending this to us, it is just an air gun?"

Unfortunately, and perhaps due to the additional scrutiny (or maybe because I p!ssed UPS off sending them a screen shot of continuous 'Import Scans' with big red "WTF?" letters across its face), they dinged me for customs duties. First time this has happened on an international purchase for me.

Oh well, I still saved money in the end as the gun cost a few hundred $$$s less purchased through Krale even with the higher shipping cost, and the ~4% customs duties were only about half of my local sales tax rate.

The most important thing is that I got my new gun, and that it didn't sit for 6 months in a black hole of CBP.
I ordered an adapter for a Zoraki air pistol so I could install a moderator. Basically an aluminum tube that fits over the barrel, and threaded on the end so one of the Donny FL moderators will fit. It was coming from Sloveina and things were going good until it hit New York where it stayed for 5 weeks. As per ususal everyone blames Covid for any delay nowdays.

Strange I ordered a new I pad and it is coming out of China, Orderd about a week ago and it is now according to UPS out for delivery.
I called the UPS help line for international shipments - 1-800-782-7892

The UPS automated phone system, like most, is geared to prevent you from ever speaking to a live human. I think I chose the response to get tracking information. The system asked me for the tracking number. I spoke it in a garbled manner. It asked again, and I repeated the garbled number. The system then gave up on trying to understand me and connected me with a 'Support Technician'.