AEA Please help with a bintac t9

Please I need help or any ideas of how can I go about sealing a slow air leak on my t9 below the air valve on the part of the valve that screws into the frame..the guage does not leak wich screws inside the part that screws into the frame.. I have noticed there is a defect on the frame it self where the valve screws into you will see it has a flange on the very bottom of the threads and on one side the flange thins out almost to nothing..what I need help with is figuring out how to seal it on the threads of the valve...I have tried yellow gas Teflon tape ptfe used regular Teflon the white one..I've tried putting a o ring on that flange of the threads wich it does not come with one ..only o ring that comes with on the valve that screws into the frame..changed that one was well of course...please help on any other tactics thank you so much




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I'd use JB Weld to secure the flange into frame, per package instructions, then install gauge. Future removal of flange would be ruled out, but gauge may still be OK to remove. Personally, if JB Weld seals, I'd leave gauge alone, as much as possible. I've used JB Weld to seal leaking compressor so it can withstand the pressure. WM
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I'd use JB Weld to secure the flange into frame, per package instructions, then install gauge. Future removal of flange would be ruled out, but gauge may still be OK to remove. Personally, if JB Weld seals, I'd leave gauge alone, as much as possible. I've used JB Weld to seal leaking compressor so it can withstand the pressure. WM
Flange is secured it just looks like it wasn't fully formed at assembly line when they made the frame..ib weld scares me.tho on pcp especially everything one day has to come out.
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Thank you for the intentions on the video but my issue is not with that specific gun or from that area is from the poppit that screws into the frame that the air guage screws into as shown in the pictures..I appreciate you for showing me this thank you
Looks like maybe you are missing a crush washer inside where the value screws into?????
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I tried but failed finding a parts diagram for the t9. I am wondering if there should be a plastic disc/seal under your plug.

This image is from a kral but same application. #61.


Other than the leak how do you like the T9? I have an older HP Plus in .22 that I worked over to lower the working pressure. Thing has been flawless for me.
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I tried but failed finding a parts diagram for the t9. I am wondering if there should be a plastic disc/seal under your plug.

This image is from a kral but same application. #61.

View attachment 542859

Other than the leak how do you like the T9? I have an older HP Plus in .22 that I worked over to lower the working pressure. Thing has been flawless for me.
Thank you brother I appreciate you I have #61 the air guage does not leak is the peace that the air guage screws into that screws into the frame



Unsuccessful use of thread tape indicates you suspect receiver threads, not flange threads are culprit. "O" ring seals flange to receiver, leak indicates receiver threads don't allow full tightening or are so damaged they don't evenly support flange. Proper repair of receiver threads is drill out and install threaded insert. I'd try JB Weld to permanently seal flange in place first but that's just me. WM
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