Poll: FX Impact owners - will you be getting the BRK Ghost?

FX Impact owners, will you be getting a BRK Ghost (and why)?

  • Yes (i.e. it looks to be an improvement over the Impact or I just want to try something new)

    Votes: 15 30.0%
  • No (i.e. I already know the Impact well and the Ghost seems too much like the Impact)

    Votes: 22 44.0%
  • Maybe (i.e. too soon to tell or wait and see how the first batches turn out)

    Votes: 9 18.0%
  • Other (explain your answer below)

    Votes: 4 8.0%

  • Total voters
Hello AGN:

I'm curious to see what current/past FX Impact owners think about the BRK Ghost. If you own (or have owned) an Impact, are you looking to get a Ghost in the near future? Please vote in the poll and, if you want to, provide any additional details as to why you voted the way you did.

Screenshot 2022-11-28 093604.jpg
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First, I don’t know what a BRK Ghost is. Seen the topics but never opened them. I went back to the Impact in 2020 from a 4 year hiatus to really try to conquer it. This time committing 100% to determine what the gun truly is. Is it a gun that you can get tuned and shooting great but have to do it almost every time you hunt or shoot a video. Or can you get the gun to shoot slugs long term and never touch a thing. I can’t get sidetracked by another possible rooster in the henhouse until I’m done with the Impacts. I probably won’t be victimized by a M4 introduction. I’m already onto them and the long game they play. An Impact is like a major illness, there is more money in the medication than there is in the cure. Every website has a ton of FX medication and guys just flock to it like junkies. If I eventually rule the Impact as just an overly complicated pellet gun, I will move on to something else looking for a bullet shooter with versatile power.
Sticking with Impact, it’s a fantastic Lego toy with great factory and after market support. If a gun can’t be tinkered with then it better be dedicated for a certain purpose but outside of field target I just want to play with my toys. My MK2 from almost 3 years ago is a present day M3 minus the first reg, trigger and cocking block. No other manufacture has ever provided such platform, not to mention it’s very accurate and powerful if you know what you are doing.

With that being said I still prefer the ergonomics of a traditional rifle and hope FX makes an even more powerful Crown.
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The owner of FX is like the elon musk of the air gun world. most of the others had a descent product for their time. But they seemed to have sat back on their loreals and now are in a world of poop and trying to play catch-up and "COPY-CAT" like some other countries do. not to mention the majority of the air guns are way over-priced such as AirArms. they are charging double what they should for their products like most air gun companies are doing trying to stay relevant. well the sound is neigh. :)
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Though I don’t own an Impact or even held one. That you are simply asking these questions is a tell. You know darn well some Impact owners, maybe even yourself? Will buy/try the BRK Ghost and comparisons will be made. The BRK Ghost is not a first iteration of a thing. The BRK Ghost is a mechanical version of the Delta Wolf… a pre-existing, proven platform.
Though I don’t own an Impact or even held one. That you are simply asking these questions is a tell. You know darn well some Impact owners, maybe even yourself? Will buy/try the BRK Ghost and comparisons will be made. The BRK Ghost is not a first iteration of a thing. The BRK Ghost is a mechanical version of the Delta Wolf… a pre-existing, proven platform.
I've thought about it and, having recently refreshed my M3's into a newer configuration, have already decided that I will NOT be getting the Ghost. The main reason is because I've gotten to know the Impact very well by now and it does everything I need it to (and more) so there's no good reason for me to look the Ghost, which looks very much like an Impact and doesn't appear to have anything more to offer me that I can't already get from my Impacts. Was simply curious how others felt but for me, the decision was already made...
@yenniedn, is there ever a “good reason” to get another gun? As for what the Ghost offers over the Impact? Can’t know that until you’ve tried it. To me the Ghost looks the more solid gun. No over accessorizing necessary. Time will tell. I believe it will be a serious challenger to the Impact M2, M3, M4 and M5s to come.
There has been a crazy amount of brand new airgun owners buying M3’s because of the marketing hype. Once the gun hits their shooting bench, they are completely clueless. We’ve all seen them pandering for tunes and worrying about insignificant shot string numbers. Could the Brocock be a better gun for the newbie who must spend a bucket of money right off the bat? It might be the gun that doesn’t need to be stroked just right to shoot well. Could be a winner for the newbie big spender. Hopefully it is.
I'm interested in the gun. But I wonder what the power spread is by turning the adjuster on a compact 22? With a bottle I don't care much about the shot count.

I also like shooting slugs..

Honestly looking at the Maverick or bottle Wildcat. I like to tune my guns from time to time.

Have also looked at the Uragan 2 compact. Not pulling the trigger on anything. Just observing.
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No, no need to buy that rifle. I’ve owned several Impacts and FX’s and will never own another one. They have the absolute WORST customer service in any industry.
How can you say fx has the worst customer service. There the only company you see reaching out to people on a forum that I've ever seen unless I read your post wrong
This could go south, fast.

There is plenty of FX vs Daystate drama in the industry already folks. Im really sick of the us versus them mentality that we see so much. And it permeates the airgun scene, from top to bottom.

In my opinion, the one-upmanship from brand to brand and fanboy to fanboy doesn't help or accomplish anything but create animosity amongst us.

There are pros and cons to every gun from either company. There are also pros and cons to how each company operates. The reality is that both companies sell guns at a rate (and that means we're buying them) that supply can't keep up with demand. Both companies are producing guns that can win at just about any level or flavor of airgun competition. Buy and try whatever suits your fancy, and sell what doesn't continue to scratch the itch.

Bad mouthing who and what you perceive as the competition helps nobody (manufacturer, retailer, buyer, seller, AGN member). It's the equivalent of throwing gasoline on the already raging fire.

If you absolutely can't resist pointing out differences to try to justify to yourself how you spent your money, at least keep it factual. Statements like "Company A has the worst customer service because___________," is an unprovable and subjective claim. For everybody who's honor and dignity was offended because a certain brand wouldn't meet their (sometimes and often) outrageous demands, there are another 10 completely satisfied and even impressed customers. We just don't hear from the happy ones cuz of course the squeaky wheel gets the grease......or rather, the loudest Karen gets what they demand.

(And for the most recent comment before mine, I've seen both sides of this ridiculous political aisle reach out to help customers here on AGN.)
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