Poll: FX Impact owners - will you be getting the BRK Ghost?

FX Impact owners, will you be getting a BRK Ghost (and why)?

  • Yes (i.e. it looks to be an improvement over the Impact or I just want to try something new)

    Votes: 15 30.0%
  • No (i.e. I already know the Impact well and the Ghost seems too much like the Impact)

    Votes: 22 44.0%
  • Maybe (i.e. too soon to tell or wait and see how the first batches turn out)

    Votes: 9 18.0%
  • Other (explain your answer below)

    Votes: 4 8.0%

  • Total voters
I never buy anything from a startup company until they prove they will be around long enough to honor warranty issues and provide critical replacement parts 5 years down the road. Look at all the start up failures in the past 5 years here that sold to AGN members. Let them prove their long term survivability first.
  • Haha
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I never buy anything from a startup company until they prove they will be around long enough to honor warranty issues and provide critical replacement parts 5 years down the road. Look at all the start up failures in the past 5 years here that sold to AGN members. Let them prove their long term survivability first.
BRK Brocock and their parent Company Daystate are definitely not startup companies…🙀

I have a coupla FX guns...is it ok with all of you whiners that I end up with a couple of Daystate guns ?

"Copy"... Pretty funny (dumb !) comment ! In the world of the "chassis" gun, it's all but impossible to come up with a "new" look, that's also functional, now that the design has been out a few years and all of the design box's have already been checked.

Just like full wood stock guns. When was the last time a truly NEW design wood stock was born..? NOT...for a VERY long time !
So the "F" what if one gun looks a little like another ? I'd bet under the skin they are a bit different..!


P.s. - Just remembered. Even when someone does...come up with new (Cricket II Tactical, or the Argus) design package...many WHINE...about that too !?
Seems some of you need a "life", outside of complaining.
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I must be in minority. The only tune I do on my .30 mk1 700mm xtwist, is rotate the power wheel. It has a factory tune that shoots jsb kings at 870 ft/s ~77 ft/lb on max, one hole at 50m with great air conservation and low sound report.
I am satisfied and don’t want to change anything. I also don’t care for slugs.
Main appeal in airguns for me is low power and sound report, otherwise I just switch to firearms. Therefore I only have one .30 and .25, but three .22s.
Well, I think I'll be picking up a Ghost, waiting for a phone call from AOA when they get in stock. I looked at the FX's before I bought my first Brocock Bantam in .25, I thought it had too many failure points and read about their O-Rings and leaks and rightly or wrong seems to be a tinkers gun. I still read about taking a stock FX and putting another chunk of cash into them to get to some power level that may or may not shoot accurately. My Redwolf .22hp I just picked up a heliboard to give me some more options of pellets, not sure I'll ever try slugs. I also have a Brocock Sniper XR in .25.
Once I find a tune that works for the pellets that are accurate, all the knobs, levers, springs, etc. etc won't be touched.
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And there we have it...the first BRK Ghost to hit the classifieds...and, no, I'm not buying it ;)

Yes, but what are you deducing or inferring by posting the above? You know you want it, make him an offer.🤓
Yes, but what are you deducing or inferring by posting the above? You know you want it, make him an offer.🤓
Not deducing or inferring anything. What are YOU deducing or inferring by guessing at my intent in posting the link? Just doing my routine cruising of the Classifieds, saw the posting and put it here for anyone interested. I have no interest in it.
And there we have it...the first BRK Ghost to hit the classifieds...and, no, I'm not buying it ;)

Just skimmed the sellers post history and he is a SERIOUS buy it and try it guy.

We all enjoy the airgun affliction in different ways.
Just skimmed the sellers post history and he is a SERIOUS buy it and try it guy.

We all enjoy the airgun affliction in different ways.
Yes, I know Mark from way back in the Yellow Forum days and have bought several very nice rifles from him through the years. I wouldn't have any hesitation to buy it from him if I wanted it - and would have paid him already if I wanted the gun.
Just to clarify, I wasn't insinuating anything negative about the seller, just noting that he seems to like trying out lots of guns, as evidenced by his classifieds history.
Nothing negative was inferred. If you think Mark's classifieds history is interesting, you must not have checked mine ;)
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I have both a Daystate Delta Wolf and a M3 Impact. I'm still trying to get used to the electronic Delta Wolf and maybe the Ghost would fit me a bit better. I love all air guns so would never say I wouldn't try one. Especially on a Saturday night after a few beers, after the wife goes to bed is when I seem to make my best purchases!!! :) I am interested in what BRK comes up with for the rear power wheel issue??? So to answer the question I would love to get one but also wouldn't trade my M3 for one!