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Polymags still can get er' done

Been testing NSA slugs out of my Talonp, but 30 yrds or less when dealing with a pest, the polymags still can more than hold there own.

.25 talonp 18 yrds, 41fpe, recovered pellet from under skin opposite side mid back, dumping all energy inside which was my goal, didn't want a pass through, drt.


Wonder if they work that good on ground squirrels here in Az. Gonna have to try some! They dig under my house, then leave. Which makes a nice cozy hole for rattlesnakes. Pulled 15 out this year

Jesus Harold! 15? I’m at base of Appalachian Mountains and there are some big snakes around but not in those #’s. Be careful as I watched a dog swell up from a bite and had to be put down. I like snakes that just eat mice but venomous, no Sir.
Would they be a good choice in .25 for a little larger animal like a skunk with a lung shot, or would it be better to use a dome pellet to guarantee complete penetration.

When you eliminate skunks you want as little shock as possible, less likely they will spray. 

Expanding pellets hit with a loud pop and dump more energy right away. A good penetrating pellet like a semi-pointed Baracuda works well if you poke them through both lungs. It pencils through and hopefully the skunk stumples away quietly to die.