Possible resolution for Sekhmet gauge freezing

I have been communicating with Sekmhet regarding a problem that others have encountered; the gauge display freezing. Most often, it freezes displaying "0 BAR" but it can also freeze in a menu display.

The reply I received indicating that there would be a replacement available in about two weeks which solved this problem, or I could get a refund.

Because I appreciate the size of the gauge and the bright display, I have opted to wait for the replacement.

You may want to contact them if you are having this problem.

I bought a 2nd generation 28 mm gauge almost 10 days ago.
Charging for 2 hours at 100% , but and immediately after that the screen froze.
I had to wait until the next day for the battery to be totally discharged.
I charged the battery again from 0 to 100 and the problem was solved,
But another problem arose.
The battery drains very fast even if I set the unit to 2 minutes standby and 10 sec screen off.
In 4 days the battery reached 78 percent during which time I used it for around max 30 minutes.
Also the unit shutdown by herself twice .
That is my own experience with the product ( not to good) and I will see I'm going how to solve these problems with Nicole from Sekhmet .
I hope for a positive outcome
I received the gauge this afternoon, and as recommended, I charged the device for just over one hour. After disconnecting the charging cable, I verified that the gauge register 100% charged.

I then installed the gauge on my rifle, and began the pressuring process. I stood by while the gauge began to read 39 bar, increasing to just over 100 bar. At this point I allowed the gauge to "sleep" while my compressor automatically charged the rifle to 200bar. When I attempted to turn on the gauge to verify the pressure and check for leaks, it did not turn on.

Of course, I can’t use the discharge method of resetting the gauge because the gauge is turned off, so it will never run down the battery.
I really appreciate all of the benefits of a digital gauge, including no parallax error, improved accuracy, and additional features, and I really want the gauge to work.