Given the low cost of compressors that will do the job of inflating vehicle tires (under about $25 or so for a 12V one), I don't think it would be worth it, but yes, with the right additional fittings and such.
First, you could make your own "adapter" that would connect a foster to a hose chuck, but you'd need to be very careful not to let the line pressurize before connecting it to a valve or will likely blow up - it would be slow and hard to use. I'd want a chuck that clamps onto the valve so that it won't stop flowing, and then I'd control the flow by turning the compressor on and off.
I think the best way to do this would be to fill a tank, and then regulate the pressure down to the right level for a shop compressor or less. A regulator that would do that could cost upwards of $500 or so . . . .