Power of pcp pistols

Hello Ataman ap16 is great, but only in 22 caliber, closest to a real hand gun in size and feel but only 22 cal. Mountain Air Custom Airguns makes a 2540 25 cal Crosman 2240, Quackenbush makes a 30 cal 2240 and a lot of people do home mods of the Crosman 2240 to all shapes and calibers Hope this helps. I really wish there were more choices as well Eric
Hello Ataman ap16 is great, but only in 22 caliber, closest to a real hand gun in size and feel but only 22 cal. Mountain Air Custom Airguns makes a 2540 25 cal Crosman 2240, Quackenbush makes a 30 cal 2240 and a lot of people do home mods of the Crosman 2240 to all shapes and calibers Hope this helps. I really wish there were more choices as well Eric

The info on the Quackenbush 30 helped,

Thank all of yall!
Power and carry-ability are mutually-exclusive features in PCP pistols. The Ataman AP16 Compact is the closest thing to an exception to that rule. That's one (with iron sights) in this photo-

AP16 set.1647800952.jpg
Do share how much power that Ataman Compact is giving you, plz! (What caliber?)

It looks like a "real pistol" — a PB thais — unlike most other PCP pistols.

Then again, I wished PCP pistol engineers would just completely free themselves of trying to copy the looks of a "traditional pistol" and just let form follow function:

• Much larger diameter shroud

• Much larger diameter airtube (AEA is heading that way 👍🏼)

• Offer holsters that accommodate the non-traditional shape

• And while we're at it — if it has a side lever, put it on the left side for crying out loud...! Because most people's right hand is busy holding the handgun, no capacity free to also cock the side lever.... 😉

I really wish they did make a pistol like the OP describes. Something with good power in a small package, but as mentioned the two are mutually exclusive unfortunately. You want big power you need a big airtube and then you wont get many shots at power. 

My most powerful “pistol” is an Edgun Veles tuned for 20 fpe. At this power the shots are still smooth and accurate, but try to bring it higher and it’s no longer enjoyable to shoot. But it’s a longer match target style pistol and with moderator even longer - so not something you’d put on your hip.

I would really like to see a newer pistol design from Ed that utilizes the new valve tech as I bet it could be quite powerful for a PCP pistol.

As nice as it is the Ataman AP16 Compact in .22 is no more than 12-14 fpe. My .177 AP16 Compact shoot around 9-10 fpe.
I think the Ataman AP16 is only produced in .22 caliber. But .22 is the best caliber anyway for this pistol and the parameters outlined in the OP.

15.9 grain JSB, 270 BAR, 16 shot power band- Lo= 617, Hi= 623, ES= 6, SD= 2, Avg= 620 FPS/13.6 FP.

18.1 grain JSB, 280 BAR, 18 shot power band- Lo= 584, Hi= 590, ES= 6, SD= 1.4, Avg= 586 FPS/13.8 FP.

AP Compact 25.1647926694.jpg

Although this level of consistent accuracy isn't probable by humans shooting iron sights, these 2 five-shot 1.3X scoped groups testify to the fine accuracy the AP16 Compact is capable of. 

The factory iron sights are good ones, but humans are hard-pressed to do that with iron sights. All ten shots can be covered with a quarter.

Do pcp air pistols come in big bore calibers. Are there pistols that don't wear scopes,just sights and moderate barrels...do they make such an animal? Like a sidearm but a pcp pistoltokcarry into the woods on airgun days?

Not big bore, but look no further than the 22 Weihrauch HW44 - great little air pistol, and crazy accurate.
You can get 700+fps and 50 yard accuracy and about 15 shots/fill in the FAC version.

I have a FX Ranchero in 22. who shoots JSB 18,13 grn at 823 fps on max power, 685 on medium power, and 542 on low power. (27/19/12 ftp)
-Regulated, 22 shots pr fill - max power. 
It is custom built (with help from Yota and the FX factory), with a cut down Revolution barrel, and a Gladiator cylinder. So you may say this is one of a kind....
The pistol is very accurate, quiet with the moderator, and easy to carry around in a backpack. it is therefore one of my favourite guns "on the go".

This is one way to go if you want a powerful pistol Texan357.