Wow! that looks hammered, must be soft metal?tried again today, with the reg.pressure set at 160bar with 80.87gr snowpeak pellets on 50m.
1st group of 5 shots, with the hammer spring flush, had an average of 745fps. (left)
2nd group of 5, HS about 2 turns in, had an average of 670fps (right, with a clear POI drop, but still a similar group)
View attachment 516402
with the hammer spring all the way in, i got 800fps. which means: 115 Foot-Pounds = 155.92 Joules
unfortunately the gun has a slow leak on the bottle adapter, and when i looked closer, i saw another so far 3rd factory flaw: a really sharp edged machining damage on the ridge for the o-ring, which might have been the cause for it to break faster. infortunately after fine sanding and polishing the edges smooth and exchanging the o-ring, the leak is still the same. if anybody has an idea, of what do do about it, please let me know. thank you.
View attachment 516403
Yeah, that valve made my 30 cal so loud it became unusable at my placeUdate:
i finally got the new Power valve from @Paul D through ebay, took quite a while to get here. seems like customs have been inspecting it as well, maybe that caused the long shipping time.
Any way i have installed it last night and tried it out the first time today outside in the foggy snow landscape. i shot budget snowpeak pellets of 5.24g / 80.87gr and it was almost dark already, so proper aiming was a bit hard towards the end, so no groups now.
hope to show that another time, in case there is interest.
i started with a 6shot group at a very low regulator pressure of 100bar, with a 250bar bottle fill.
View attachment 529810View attachment 529811
after that i increased the reg. pressure to about 125bar, and shot when the bottle was at 200bar.
View attachment 529813View attachment 529815
and after that i tried a few shots with reg. pressure of about 180bar, but the hammer was not opening the valve enough anymore. even with the HS all the way in the results were nonsense, and the whole thing just super loud!
in the end lowered the regulator again to about 145bar and shot about 2 mags ( i don't know what the odd 210fps reading was, as i can't recall anything strange), from 250 to a bit above 200bar in the bottle and the results (if i have not seriously confused myself, b trying to remember the different setting for each string!) are power-wise worse than with a lower reg. setting. which is good, but then it got too dark.
View attachment 529817View attachment 529816View attachment 529818
compared to the previous measurements with the only ported gun, the power has significantly increased, at lower reg. settings, but to get the full possible power, i think i have to increase the hammer spring. (not sure if it is so good to bang the valve so hard, though?!)
And yes, the report is louder, too.
PS:the leak at the bottle connector, i could so far not fix. and have no clue what i can do about it, and about the kind JB WELD recommendation, i need to inquire how specifically you would try to do it, WoodWelder?
thank you, if i get my hand on that stuff i might try.I am not woodwelder but I would get the nick as clean and possible using acetone or other strong solvent and then dab on a bit of Epoxy, preferably steel filled JBs. It may work, it may not but it won't cost much to try. I would also try to get Airgun Archery Fun or Krale to order that part for you. Krale got me a barrel for my P35-25 but I had to wait about a year.
do you think the shorter barrel has something to do with the louder report as well? i somehow thought that also has an effect in that way.Yeah, that valve made my 30 cal so loud it became unusable at my place
I actually sold it off to Kerndtc, he will make it would it should've been. He has made some pretty good stuff in the past.
I may by another 60b down the road, but im sticking to 22 this time.
Yeah the barrel length was also a you think the shorter barrel has something to do with the louder report as well? i somehow thought that also has an effect in that way.
mine is not too loud, compared to a GK1 without moderator or what i experienced with the VULCAN 3 HP today (my one ear is still ringing!), it is still quiet. =)