As you know, I have had my Box for close to ten years and have also experienced good performance with little maintenance.
I have however, needed to replace a few items on mine such as:
1.) Burst Disk
2.) Both of the Bronze/Brass Piston Bushings (.125" and .25" pistons) at the Piston Support Post. I can't locate the .125" Bushing other than from OCO Labs.
3.) On/Off Switch.
4.) Of course, Fuses and Belts when needed.
This is for the F-10, which as we know uses a 21 Tooth Motor Pulley, making it faster for filling, but also tougher on the machine.
I have since abandoned the 21 Tooth Pulley and installed an 18 Tooth, which has slowed the machine, but really thinking to use a 15 Tooth Pulley. Next reseal I'm gonna install that 15 Tooth Pulley while I have it down.
I also live in a warm clime, so during the summer I cool the Box with ice water using a small radiator mounted to the back of the cooling fan. Water movement is provided via a small aquarium pump. Works well in 100° + weather!
Although it's normally dry here, low humidity (15% today), I still have a Shop Compressor Moisture Filter and a High-Pressure Moisture Filter post Box. This along with Alan's suggestion to have a long, coiled air-line hose to help mitigate moisture as well.
Everything runs "uphill": From the Shop Compressor, to the Compressor Filter, to the Box, to the High-Pressure Filter, to the Tank in trying to eliminate a possibility of moisture in the system. Yet I still seem to get some gunk inside the pistons, which I believe might be from over-lubrication on the oil pads (?).
And yes, I too have a backup if needed. I normally switch the Boxes (# 1 and #2) out when reseal is needed and use each until reseal is due. I have yet to attain 100 hours between reseals however, which is not per manufacture's statement. It's usually around 50 hours.
I have recently installed an Hour Meter, connecting it to the motor wiring to assure that it only registers when actually pumping/running making it much easier to track hours.
With Alan looking over my shoulder, I was able to create an extensive list of available parts, plus the ones that are "CUSTOM" possibly available from Mr. Kaye (?).
I REALLY like my Boxes and hope that they run for a long time.