To ensure a secure installation and achieve optimal performance with your daytime scope, please follow the detailed installation instructions steps outlined below. Our adapter features a universal M52*0.75 screw thread, offering the flexibility to buy either our adapter or a third-party option.
1、Prepare the Device:
-Ensure the Predator’s body is upright.
-Rotate the eyepiece ring to its end position.
2、Attach the Adapter:
-Rotate the adapter to the eyepiece ring until it fits seamlessly.
-Slightly rotate the adapter back to ensure the adapter lever is positioned on top.
-Slightly rotate the eyepiece ring back to the adapter until it fits seamlessly (locked position).
3、Secure the Adapter:
-Tighten one set screw on the eyepiece ring’s mounting hole.
-Tighten the adapter screw.
4、Install on Daytime Scope:
-Release the adapter lever.
-Attach the adapter to the daytime scope, ensuring both the daytime scope and Predator are upright.
-Lock down the adapter lever.
-Tighten the adapter’s middle fastening screws initially. Re-tightening is not required for subsequent use.
5、Final check:
-Confirm the adapter lever is correctly positioned on top.
-Ensure the Predator and daytime scope are horizontally aligned.
-Verify that the connection is secure.
6、Detach the device:
-Release the adapter lever.
-Remove both the adapter and Predator together instead of unscrewing the Predator body separately.
By following the above steps, the Predator device is securely installed and perform optimally. For more information about the PREDATOR and other PARD products, click here: